Chapter 25

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Your POV
I walked back towards the sheriff station. I open the door carefully "You're the past Deputy Boy." Nolan said. As soon as the boys noticed the door had opened they glanced at me. I gulped loudly "What does he mean by that?" Whitey says. I didn't answer, I just glanced at Nolan. Whitey groaned and walked towards me "What does he mean by that?!" He asks again and raises his voice. He holds me tightly "Answer me! Y/n, why aren't you answering me?!" He says. I gulp again "Y/n, what happened between you two?" He asks. I see Nolan smirking behind the bars "ANSWER ME!!" Whitey yells "Whitey, you're scaring me." I say quietly. Bill walks up behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder "Whitey, let her go." Bill says softly. Whitey's grip on my arms loosened and took a step back "Sorry." He says quietly. I grab Whitey's hand "No, I should be the one apologizing to you." I tell him. I glance at Nolan before I looked back at Whitey "Whitey... Nolan and I...we...kissed." I tell him "And I regret every second of it! I am so sorry! Please don't hate me." I say. He looks at me "You kissed him?" He asked. I look down at my feet and nodded. He let go of my hand and stormed towards the bars. I tried to pull him back "Whitey don't!" I said. He pushes me and grabs his guns "He's dead." he said quietly. My eyes widened "No...Whitey no!! Don't do it, Whitey!!" I scream. Bill grabs him by his arm "Son, stop it!" He said. Whitey's eyes were filled with hate "He kissed her, he's dead." Whitey said. Bill pulled him back "You don't want your wife to remember you as the boy who killed someone in front of her. Put the guns down." He tells him. Whitey puts one of his hands back in his holders, still holding the other one "He will pay." he said. He pointed his gun towards Nolan...

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