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Please read through, as there is a password.

🌻 All genres are accepted. However, if you are putting your book, it has to have FOUR chapters for it to be qualified and be less than 10k reads. It is for undiscovered gems after all.

🌻You can add more than one book, but of different genre.

🌻Entries must be in ENGLISH.

🌻Give this account, the co-host and also your judges a follow. As they will be taking time to read through your works.

🌻For judges, please be active and committed.

🌻Add this book to your libraries and add the tag #sunsetawards to your book.

🌻The password is your nickname.

🌻Give this award a shout out on your profile so as to get more participants.

🌻No bribery among participants. Anyone caught doing so will be disqualified.

And that’s all! Still interested, scroll up and fill up the form!

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