
Start from the beginning

Rome 🔥: That too

Kulture 🙄: His name was Tony? 💀

Rome 🔥: Yeah. He a pass around I see.

Gio: y'all gonna leave my boy Tony alone

Rome🔥: Fuck Tony🤣

Kulture 🙄: Ong. Tony could kiss my ass . Why you seeing his skinny ass on dates with people anyways? He can't get his own girl?

Gio: I get paid for it 🤣

Rome🔥: And why us? What made us special?

Gio: He wanted tough ass girls 💀 Both y'all mean ash too

Kulture 🙄: Stop saying that. I'm so nice to you Gio 😞

Rome🔥: Forreal, like I don't get on with everybody, but I'm nice to you.

Rome🔥: if anything... You mean making me go out with Tony

Kulture 🙄: I just peeped he called us Tough

Gio: Y'all are. Let's play a game.

Rome 🔥: Noo bruh I'm tryna get something to eat

Gio: I'm gonna name something and yall type the first thing that comes to mind.

Kulture 🙄: For what

Gio: I'll take the winner out to eat

Rome 🔥: I can take myself out to eat. And how do you even win this

Kulture 🙄: Same tf

Gio: I'll let y'all know.

Gio: first word. Giovanni

Rome🔥: Aggravating.

Kulture 🙄: Annoying

Gio: Money

Kulture 🙄: 😂 Cardi B

Rome🔥: Green

Rome🔥: ^ 💀

Gio: Pink

Rome 🔥: Friday

Kulture 🙄: dildo

Gio: wtf💀

Rome🔥: I'm dead

Kulture 🙄: Gio...

Gio: New York

Kulture 🙄: I'm about to fight you Gio

Rome🔥: Queens

Rome🔥: lol why?

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