Chapter 3

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(Above is what Vivan looks like!)

"My dears you don't have to ask me to not bother Miss. Bailey. But I do suggest that you tell her to not try to double kill me." Alastor chuckles a bit as the girls turn to look at him a bit startled.

"How long have you been fucking stalking us?" Vaggie asks with a frown.

"Well my dear since you decided to tell Miss. Bailey how the show was going to be presented for tomorrow night. I am in fact running in charge of the music so I thought I should know what my band fellows are going to be playing." Alastor smiles widely at the two girls. "So now I shall go inform my band mates of the musical program for tomorrow night." Alastor smiles and soon walks back stage again into the shadows.

"I swear on satan that if that asshole stalks us again I'm going to double kill him myself." Vaggie groans walking off stage as Charlie goes to catch up with her.

Angel hums rummaging around in his closet sighing. "I couldn't have used all my drugs or drank all my liquor yet..."

Vivan hums sitting on a windowsill looking outside at the rundown center of hell, "there is a bar in the lobby. Why can't we go there?"

Angel looks at her a little worried. "Oh umm...I thought being up here would be better in case smiles comes down stairs babe."

Vivan rolls her eyes and gets up going to the door. "Angel darling, I'm a big girl and can deal with that radio shithead in a professional manner now that I've calmed done." She says in a proud sarcastical tone.

"Well ...okay," he shrugs a bit. He gets up and heads downstairs to the lobby with Vivian. He grins a bit seeing Husk st the bar. "Mmm well hello there Husky~" Angel hums sitting at the bar.

Husk sighs and turns to Vivan as she sits at the bar. "What would you like to drink," he asks in a monotone annoyed voice.

"Well What do you suggest?" Vivan asks looking at Husk smiling.

"Well the cheap booze is the best." Husk shrugs getting two shot glasses.

"It's the only stuff we got," Angel groans a little and looks at Husk. "I bet you taste better than this booze Husky." Angel hums taking his shot glass.

Husk glares at him, "you fucking slut. Can you not try to make damn innuendos with me every fucking time you are near me!" He groans loudly as his wings flair out.

Vivan laughs a bit after she downs her shot. "Oh god this is the guy you flirt with!"

"Yes, yes it is~" Angel hums winking at Husk. "And I'll never stop till I get in bed with him~" He smirks and watches Husk face quickly turn into one of disgust.

"That's it. I'm out! Good bye and I'm going to my room to bleach me fucking brain now!" Husk shouts throwing his hands up in the air and leaving the lobby stomping.

Vivan laughs harder and and snorts a bit. "Oh fucking hell! You really like to pick the hard to get ones don't ya?" She asks looking at Angel.

Angel chuckles and hum, "mmm no. I pick the ones that are hard to get hard." He laughs a bit as he pours them each another shot.

She snorts again laughing and ends up holding her side. "For fuck sakes Angel you always get me to laugh."

"Well I'm surprised you don't laugh more. I mean your manager is a complete joke," Angel snickers as they each down their drinks.

"Hey...Mimzy May be a bit old school...and have an addiction to food but she is the one who got me into showbiz. And I'm pretty sure she can get me out of it too." She says smiling s bit as she downs her drink.

"So your working for her?" Alastor says as he walks into the lobby smiling.

Vivan sighs, "no. We work togetherish. And you know if I told her you were here she'd be all over you." She smirks a bit wickedly.

"My dear you wouldn't dare do that." Alastor laughs as he tilts his head back.

"Why not? I think it'd be pretty entertaining," Vivan hums softly.

"Yeah it would! Wouldn't you be entertained too Alastor? I mean you fuckkng love entertainment." Angel snickers as he takes another shot.

"Well Angel if she told Mimzy that, she'd be out of a job wouldn't she?" Alastor smirks wickedly.

"If I tell her I know where you are now, doesn't mean I'll be out of a job." Vivan rolls her eyes. "We are friends and as long as I don't tell how I know, we will still be friends." Vivan hums with a smug look.

"Well my dear you could be right but I'm going to assume that I am right. If I remember correctly, I was usually always right when we ended up disagreeing." Alastor smirks a bit as his radio voice fades a bit.

"Oh fuck off you dickhead." Vivan groans taking another shot before getting up. "I am leaving. I'll see you tomorrow night Angel." She looks at Alastor as she goes to the front door. "And as for you I hope I don't see you pointy ass antlers or bright ass eyes any time soon." She glares at him and leaves out the door.

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