Chapter 2

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"Deary I believe you are remembering that night wrong," Alastor laughs a bit as he watches the demon girl step on to the stage.

"Oh no! You aren't pulling this shit with me again! You are the fucking radio head who told me to stop trying to be something!" She demon shouts glaring at Alastor.

"Well if I remember correctly you told me you didn't want to stay with me any longer and left that night." Alastor hums, "and I don't appreciate it when such a fine young lady curses so profoundly."

"My cursing never fucking bothered before we went our separate ways! And I only left since you didn't understand why in hell I wanted to be in stage you asshole!" She snaps at him as she points her finger at his chest.

Angel slowly took a seat in the front row of the theater and watched two bicker. "So you two know each other," he asks.

"Why yes Angel we do! Vivan was my first and only ...umm...what is the word you kids use today..," he mumbles as his radio voice turns to static.

"Lover." Vivan growls at Alastor as her horns poked out all the way now.

Angel's jaw drops surprised, "oh really? I always thought you were asexual or a closet gay Smiles."

Alastor takes in a breath turning his head to look at Angel. He scrunched his lips together smiling a little, "yes But no."

"What," Angel asks confused as he scratches his head.

"Angel I was young and foolish when me and this crude demon bell were together. So I assumed I liked her when I must have really not liked her," Alastor says with a smug look as he looked at Vivan.

Vivan looks at him with her jaw dropped, "why you fucking shit! I'm going to kill you!" She hell's and jumps at him to choke him but he moves out of the way laughing.

"Deary let's try to be professional. After all we will be working together till tomorrow night." Alastor says as he walks off the stage.

Vivan frowns and mumbles curses. She then throws a fair ball of purple and red flames at him. "Don't you dare tell me to be fucking professional!"

Alastor ducks as he walks up to the doors of the theater letting the ball of flames hit the door. He whistles for Nifty and turns looking at Vivan with an evil smiles. "My dear, if you try to harm me again I'll have to return the favor." He says with a staticky radio voice as the room darkens. Angel ducks down in his seat a bit and gulps. Vivan stiffens a little then opens her mouth to say something but Nifty comes in.

"Oh no!" Nifty quickly starts working on cleaning up the fireball's damage.

Alastor smirks and soon returns to his normal smiling self. "I'll see you all later in the day goodbye for now!" He smiles and goes out of the room. Vivan groans loudly and flops back on the stage as she calmed down. Her horns slowly went away and her eyes dimmed down, as Angel comes up on stage and stands over her.

"You went out with that weird shit?" He asks looking at her and offering her a hand up.

Vivan sighs and takes his hand getting up on to her feet. "I did... I had just ended up in Hell and Alastor kinda took me in...and well we become a thing... But I wanted to be something more than just 'The Radio Demon's girl' and he didn't believe I could do that soon I left." She says looking at her feet and resting her head on Angel's chest. He frowns and hugs her worried.

Charlie hums walking down the hall with Vaggie and looks at Alastor passing by. She frowns seeing a slightly smaller smile than he usually has. She opens her mouth and then closes it as Vaggie speaks. "Don't ask him, since you already know what's wrong."

Charlie frowns a bit. In the time she and Vaggie were gone she had learned the history behind the singer she brought into the hotel and the Radio Demon himself. She hadn't realized that was why Vaggie had advised her not to recruit the singer. "Yeah're right... and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Vaggie." She says softly looking at Vaggie.

"'s okay and I'll always forgive you." Vaggie says with a small smile.

Charlie smiles and learns over kissing her cheek. "Thank you now shall we try our best to get this show going?"

"Yeah I guess," Vaggie smiles as the two walk into the theater. She and Charlie both look at the burned door that Nifty was cleaning. "Who burned the door?!" Vaggie shouts confused looking at angel and Vivan who were now separated from the hug seemed surprised.

"It was me...sorry about that," Vivan sighs looking up at Vaggie and Charlie.

"Well it's more Alastor's fault..." Angel mutters as Charlie and Vaggie come up to the stage.

"Oh...I'm sorry about that," Charlie says softly looking at Vivan.

"It's fine. I've been avoiding him for years and years but now I can't. But now I can get my feelings out about that sadistic asshole." Vivan smiles sarcastically as she fixed her shirt.

"Oh! You can always come and talk abou-" Charlie starts but then stops as Vaggie nudges her to shut up.

"So do you want us to show you around and you what kind of music we'd like you to sing," Vaggie asks.

"Sure," Vivan sighs as she goes over to Vaggie and Charlie. The three go backstage with Angel following behind.

"We were thinking you could do some 80's music or 90's," Charlie smiles a bit walking.

"As in the 1880's?" Vivan asks curiously as Charlie looks confused a bit.

"Oh no! No I mean the 1980's," Charlie smiles a bit.

"Oh! So music from Micheal Jackson and Cyndi Lauper?" Vivan asks smiling a bit more.

"Yes," Charlie asks grinning a bit.

"Alright, I can work with that," Vivan smiles a bit thinking. "Umm can I sing an older song?"

"Well, I think that would be alright," Charlie smiles. "Do you think that's okay Vaggie?"

"Yeah That sounds fine to me," Vaggie says shrugging. The four go around the back of the stage as they run through how the show will play out.

"So that is how we want the show to go! Does it sound alright?" Charlie asks looking hopefully at Vivan smiles and ruffles Charlie's hair walking by her. Charlie fixes her hair a bit after the ruffles as Vaggie frowns at the singer.

"It sounds great princess. Now I'm gonna get started practicing those songs tonight. Till then I'll be with Angel if you need me again. So I'll see you tomorrow night okay?" She smiles and starts walking off with Angel.

"Alright! See you tomorrow!" Charlie grins waving a bit. She looks at Vaggie smiling. "So are we gonna tell Alastor to not bot-" Charlie starts to say radio static is heard from behind them.

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