Poe chuckled. "I'm not that big of a jerk. Plus, Leia warned me that this first day might be hard on you."

Kat looked up, letting out a small sigh. She didn't know whether to be angry with Leia or grateful. "Did she tell you why?"

He shook his head. "Said she'd leave that up to you."

Looked like she was going to tell him soon after all. Now that she knew he had been given some kind of warning, the thought of him trying to get an answer out of her didn't sit well. "My parents were killed here and I haven't been back since Leia took me in." She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the next part, the true reason reality was hitting her hard. "They warned me to not become like my parents but I went and joined the Resistance instead of just giving financial support. Now logically, I know, the people who killed them could be long gone by now but it's that what if that makes me nervous."

Poe was taken aback, surprised that she had actually opened up to him. He never once let go of her hand, in fact, he had even started running his thumb across the back of it. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I've got your back." He brought her hand up and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"Who are you and what have you done with Poe Dameron?" She asked as she watched him, suppressing the butterflies threatening to erupt in her stomach.

He laughed and let her hand go. "It's only because Leia would kill me if you didn't come back. Now come on, we've got to check-in."

A blink and it's gone smile flashed across Kat's features before she grabbed her bag and followed him out into the hangar. She slipped her hand back into his, not wanting to think about how she missed his warmth when he let go a few moments ago, and began to swing their hands lightly between them. They needed to look like a couple after all.

The check-in went smoothly. Even the elevator ride was nice. It wasn't until Poe opened the door that things started to get complicated. Kat had followed him in, taking in the room, wondering how the Resistance was even covering it, when she ran into his back causing them both to stumble forward. She had a quick remark ready on her tongue when she saw the reason he had stopped in the middle of the hallway. There was only one bed.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Poe said, mentally preparing for the not so great sleep he was about to get this week.

Kat shook her head. They needed to keep up pretenses just in case. She didn't want to have a forgotten pillow or blanket on the floor to give them away. "You're not going to sleep on the floor. We're both adults. Besides, there are enough pillows on that bed that we can build a barrier between us if you're so worried about it."

Poe looked over at her, eyebrow raised. "You sure?"

There was a knock on the door then, causing both of them to turn around and face the door. Kat shook off the quick burst of panic that ran through her before going to go check. If anything this just proved her point. Just before she got too out of reach, Poe grabbed her wrist. "What?" She whispered, glaring at him.

"You look too clean." He said as another knock resounded through the room. "We're practically newlyweds, right? On a semi-vacation."

She rolled her eyes, pulling out her hair tie and placing it around Poe's wrist. She then pulled at the braid to make it look like fingers had been tangled there during a steamy makeout. She tossed her jacket to the floor and then motioned towards her. "That better?"

A third knock came and Poe nodded as he unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and mused up his curls. Just as Kat opened the door, he wrapped his arms around her, one hand sliding up under her shirt but resting just on her stomach. She stiffened briefly, not expecting for him to be so close, before relaxing back against him, one hand caressing his arm. The droid on the other side of the door had the decency to apologize. "Just wanted to make sure that the room was up to expectations." It said by way of explanation.

Close to Me {Poe Dameron}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें