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Commissioner Jim Gordon, had travelled to the outskirts of Gotham to pay a visit to the former Kingpin of Gotham, Carmine Falcone.

"Commissioner Gordon...this is unexpected", Carmine said to Jim, as he was escorted into the living room, by Carmine's guards. "I'm sorry to drop by like this Carmine...but I have some questions", Jim apologised, to him, who wore a pair black shiny shoes, black suit pants, a white suit jacket, a white shirt, a black bow tie, with an golden ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. "Can I offer you anything to drink, champagne maybe...for our special reunion?", Carmine asked with a serious look on his face, "thanks, but okay...I won't be long anyway". "So, Jim...what can I do for you today?", Carmine asked, then Jim asked, "I imagine you've heard about the Rabbit's on the street, or you may know them as the wonderland gang?". "Would you like to take a walk, Jim. It's a nice day?", Carmine asked him and then Jim replied, "sure", then Carmine shook his head at his guards as they were prepared to escort them.

"You come alone?", Carmine asked and then Jim responded, "I did", as they both walked through the gardens. "Going to back to your question, I do care about this's been my home for almost my whole life...I do know who's behind the Wonderland gang, his name is Jervis Tetch...he calls himself The Mad Hatter and he's the creator of the drug", Carmine told Jim, then he replied, "how do you know all this, then?". Carmine continued to explain, "he came to me, for an alliance. I turned him down, and told him I'm retired and then I never saw him again", "you have any idea where he might be?", Jim questioned and then Carmine told him, "well..I imagine he'd be paying visits to other gangs in the city...". "Well...thank you, I should get back to the precinct...", Jim said to Carmine, then he responded, " owe me one, Jim", as Jim nodded at him, then made his return to his car.

Jim had returned to the GCPD, and found Harvey waiting my his office for him. "Carmine told me, that the man behind all of this, is named Jervis Tetch", Jim began to explain and then Harvey questioned, "the guy who owns that old hat store, down in the bowery?", Jim asked, "you know him?". "Yeah, I'd say early thirties, store almost went outta business a few years ago...he doesn't get much visitors now, Maybe we should go pay him a visit", Harvey said to Jim, then he responded, "I agree", as the two had left the precinct and entered the car, to go and find Jervis Tetch.

"This is it, damn...this place hasn't changed a bit", Harvey said to Jim, as the two stepped out of the car to enter the store. As they entered the store, the doorbell had rung, as they found a man, wearing a white shirt, with a green waistcoat, a red tie, with black pants and black shoes, sitting on a chair, at the counter. "Hey, I'm detective Bullock, this is Commissioner Gordon, of the GCPD, you mind if we ask a few questions?", Harvey introduced them to the man, then he responded, "certainly, what can I do for you?". "From an anonymous source, we've heard that you've been involved with the Wonderland gang", Jim told him, then the man responded, "I sit here, all day, everyday, I have absolutely no involvement with them. Why would you have thought that?", "Listen Tetch, we're not screwing around. Our source is a reliable one, if you're lying to us, then we'll know", Harvey explained. Jervis had a look of guilt on his face, then said, "oh...look what time it is, we're closing now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave". Jim and Bullock both had pulled out their pistols, and told him to, "put your hands in the air", Jim said. Tetch put his hands in the air, holding a pocket watch, connected to something underneath the desk. "Holy shit, is that a bomb?!", Harvey questioned as he heard ticking and then Jervis said, "tick tock...goes the clock...", as a grin appeared on his face, with him starting to giggle. "Run!", Harvey shouted as the two sprinted out of the building, with Tetch disappearing inside of the shop. The two, had reached their car and suddenly the shop had exploded, with glass smashing against the ground.

Bruce stood by the window, looking into the city, besides Alfred. "how long do ya think, y'can do this?" Alfred asked, Bruce then answered, wearing a black, turtle neck, sweater, a pair of black pants, black shoes, "until I can, Alfred". "I take it you won't be attending the charity event, hosted by the Mayor then?", Alfred asked and then Bruce replied, "you think I'll be able to?", "it's up to you, if you want to go, I'm not gonna stop you, I think you'd be good for you to socialise....Bruce Wayne needs a social life, you're not just this figure that runs around, beating up criminals, you're Bruce Wayne, respected, and a public what your father would want you to do".

Bruce had attended the fundraiser, wearing a black and white, tuxedo. After being greeted by Mayor, Hamilton Hill, he'd approached the bar and ordered a drink, "I'll have one whiskey, please", Bruce said to the bartender. Suddenly, Bruce had heard someone say his name, he turned to them and saw the face of his former, childhood friend, Tommy Elliot. "Tommy, it's been....years", Bruce said with a look of surprise on his face, Tommy smiled at him, and shook his hand, "I heard you've been gone, I'm quite surprised that you decided to come back", Tommy said to him, then Bruce responded, "I guess....I just wanted to return home, if you know what I mean". Tommy said to him, "yeah...I imagine it would be quite hard, being away from home for so long. So....what do you do now?, I'm sorry to hear about your house, by the's a good job that someone put an end to that monster, Bane".  Bruce responded, "it's been quite hard for me...right now, I'm just trying to sort my self out and get back on track". "What about you Tommy, how are you?", Bruce asked and then Tommy replied, "I'm recovering, it was hard for me when the riot was going on, I had some friends who aren't with me, due to that mad man", "you're working at Arkham?", Bruce questioned and then Tommy told him, "yeah...I've been thinking of leaving, you know...a fresh, new start". As the two were speaking, a woman had accidentally knocked into Bruce, "Sorry, are you okay?", Bruce asked as he looked into the eyes of a beautiful, young woman, with dark hair, wearing a red dress. "No, it's my fault....oh, you're Bruce Wayne...", she said with an accent, "Talia....Talia, Raatko", she told him as they shook hands. "It's nice to meet you, Talia...are you new to Gotham....I haven't seen you at events before?", Bruce asked and then she told him, "yes....I've recently moved here, from Moscow...I'm originally from the United Kingdom, however my parents moved away". "How come you came to Gotham?", Bruce asked her and then she explained, "business...I'm an executive at your Father's company, actually....Mr. Fox is a good seems him and your Father, we're close....he cares about the company", Bruce smiled and said to her, "I wouldn't really know anything about business, since I've never worked", she laughed and then Bruce asked, "anyway, you want anything to drink?", and then ordered her a drink.

Jim stood on the rooftop, looking up into the sky, while Harvey Bullock approached him, holding a police radio. "You okay?, you always come up here when something's on your mind, or you wanna speak to him", Harvey asked Jim as he tilted his head towards the bat signal. "I've been thinking...this city's getting worse, Barbara's off at college...sometimes I just want peace, and not have to worry about keeping my family safe", Jim explained to Harvey, then he responded, "I thinking about quitting?", "I don't know...besides you, and him, I don't know who else I trust to look after this city...", Jim answered.


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