The Perfect Night

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I had gotten home from dance at 9 pm, Lucas was texting me the whole way home, he was hanging out with Kaleb and Anika one of my best friends.
They told me to come to the high school with them to hang out. Even though it was late and dark I went, my parents didn't know I kinda just left. it was worth it though when I got there Anika and Kaleb started doing couple things and went walking I looked at Lucas and smiled he walked over to me, and said "Hailey you are gorgeous,
I am so lucky"
I couldn't stop smiling, "I am a lucky girl to have a guy like you lucas, you're so adorable"
We stood in the pitch black feild, looking at each other and it wasn't awkward at all he moved closer and said "I'm cold"
I started to shiver, "I know, me too"
I stared at the ground and he leant in and hugged me, holding me.
Just standing there.
We hugged for over 5 minutes and I loved it, he made me so much warmer.
Eventually Kaleb and Anika came back over, and right before they approached us Lucas leant in and kissed me.
He kissed me for at least 6 seconds, it was so romantic, nobody had seen.
When we were all by each other me and Anika thought it would be funny to run off into the woodlands.
Looking at each other and then we sprinted off, dodging trees, twigs and rocks.
We ran into the pond area and crouched down.
Sitting there quietly when all of a sudden Anika burst out laughing, then I started.
We tried to hold it in to make sure the boys didn't find us,
But you know they found us obviously.
Lucas was hugging me from the back and in a joking voice he said "Hailey don't run away again"
I smiled and nodded.
"Yes sir"
He laughed and I laughed after him.
The night was cold and I sat down and hugged my knees, freezing I thought. So cold.
"I think I'm gonna go home"
I looked at everyone and was shivering more than before.
"No Hailey stay, I love you"
Lucas was staring at me and smiling.
I decided to stay but not much longer.
Lucas ran over and hugged me again, and I hugged him back he leant in and kissed me again, "you deserve that"
I kinda just smiled and stared at him.
Eventually we all went home and Lucas and me kissed when we said goodbye.
Holding hands as we walked to the four way stop and then splitting up as we went our separate ways.
As I walked home I was smiling to myself and I just stared at the sky, wondering how next day with Lucas would be.

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