The Movie

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I couldn't get over how much I liked him, and how happy I was that we were dating.
It was such a beautiful winter day, the snow lightly falling and it wasn't too cold out, it was perfect.
Lucas texted me asking if I wanted to hangout, obviously I said yes but of course more people asked to hangout and met us at the school. We walked and held hands it was so adorable, Janessa eventually came along and she was happy for us. She was mad at first but ended up being okay with it.
We went to her house and decided to watch a horror movie. We sat together in the corner of the couch. Him having his arm around me, and me resting my head on his shoulder. I kept smiling cause I couldn't get over how adorable he was. We just sat there, smiling and laughing at the stupid parts in the movie.
Lucas is the one I want to be with forever. I loved him, he just did everything so perfect.
He looked at me and said "Hailey your absolutely beautiful"
I obviously denied it not cause I was asking or fishing for compliments but cause I didn't believe it.
But he was so sweet and I loved it he was perfect.
I told him everyday, he normally rejected it but I still told him it.
Lucas and me had an amazing day watching movies. We were madly in love, and he meant everything to me.

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