Chapter Seven

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"You didn't think I'd just let you die, did you?"

Draco's vision became blurry with tears that he hastily rubbed away with his sleeve. This wasn't Harry. Harry was dead.

"You're not Harry. You can't be." Draco insisted, tears returning to his eyes.

"Why not?" The imposter asked.

"Because… because Harry's been dead for m-months! People can't just… just s-suddenly come back to life! I-it goes against everything n-natural! Not even D-Dumbledore could… could bring someone b-back from the dead..." Small sobs could be heard coming from the Slytherin’s form. Tears were rolling freely down his cheeks now.

The imposter's eyes widened, probably suprised to see the Slytherin Prince break down and start crying. Good, that means he'll go away sooner.

"Dray, I-" the imposter broke off, and Draco felt arms wrap around his slim form.

"G-get off!" Draco yelled, "Don't… don't touch me!" He shoved the imposter off of him and scooted away.

"Dray, it's me, Harry." The imposter tried again, but Draco wasn't going to listen to that nonsense.

"No! N-no you… you're not. I know you're not him."

"But I am! What can I do that will get you to believe me!?" The imposter cried.

"T-tell me something. Something only he would know."

"Like what?" The imposter asked.

"Doesn't matter. Just something only the real Harry would know." Draco sniffled. He desperately wanted this to be Harry. He knew it couldn't be, but he wanted to believe it could be. Even for only a few moments longer.

"Uh- your real name is Draconis?" The imposter tried.

"Loads of people know that, dumbass." Draco was really regretting leaving his wand in his dorm right now. If this bastard had any murderous intent, he was done for.

"Right, stupid…. Er- you, uh, never agreed with Voldemort on his ideals?"

"Nope. Closer, but a fair few people know that, too." Draco said.

"Fuck..." The imposter muttered.

"L-last chance!" Draco warned.

"Dammit, fine! In our third year, you had a really bad nightmare and somehow broke into the Gryffindor dorms and climbed into my bed! Happy!?"

Draco's eyes widened. It-it was Harry! It was completely impossible, but when was Harry ever stopped by the laws of the universe?

"H-Harry! I… I'm sorry I didn't believe it was you! But I-" Draco was cut off.

"Hey, hey! It's fine, I totally understand! If one of my friends died then came alive again, I'd be skeptical, too. Sorry."

"I… I'm just happy you're alive."

"So, you expect me to stay dead and wait for my friend to join me in death? No way in hell." Harry picked himself up off the ground and brushed the dirt off his trousers. He held his hand out to Draco with a smile, "Let's get you back inside."

"Right," Draco took the offered hand with a smile of his own. Harry hoisted him up before pulling him into a hug, which the Slytherin returned after a moment's hesitation.

They stayed like that for a while, basking in each other's presence. Harry was the first to break away.

"It's almost three in the morning, we should get going before the sun rises."

"Yeah, ok." Draco agreed.

And off they went.

* * *

They walked in silence back to the front of the castle. Draco kept glancing over to Harry, as if he would disappear the moment he took his eyes off him.

At one point, Harry had had enough and simply grabbed Draco’s hand and said, "You keep looking at me like I'm gonna disappear. This way, you'll know I'm here without looking at me every five seconds."

Draco blushed a little, but nodded. They continued on their way to the Slytherin Common Room.

* * *

They made it to the entrance to the common room quickly - a little too quickly in Draco's very humble opinion. Draco spoke the password and the wall moved to reveal the common room. Draco hesitated, and turned to face Harry.

"Are you gonna show your face in public? Everyone thinks you're dead..."

"Of course not. You're a special exception, especially when you try to kill yourself over me."

"Heh, um… sorry?" Draco gave Harry an awkward smile. Harry rolled his eyes in amusement.

"So, see you 'round?" Harry wondered.

"Yeah, sure…" Draco turned back to the common room and walked in, wall closing behind him.

Draco clambered into his bed and fell asleep on top of the sheets. God, he was tired. He fell asleep before his head even hit the pillow.

* * *

Word Count: 758 words

And now, I'm on a writing spree.

Anyways, 'til next time,


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