♠ Three. Warmth♠

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I can't believe it earlier I was nearly fantasizing about how his lips would feel on mine and now they're on my lips damn they feel amazingly soft if this is a dream don't wake me up like at all yet there's this type of warmth brewing in my chest why is it warm? Maybe it's from wine cooler I had not that long ago but whatever I'll figure it out later on right now I'm focusing on his lips, he starts to pull away from our kiss um excuse me I was not quite done yet I was pretty content where I was thank you!

Glancing around trying to avoid eye contact with him I'm so embarrassed right now "Anya" hearing him say in a soft tender tone oh gosh help me now I feel weak to my knees all the sudden not even my ex-boyfriend had me like this but only when it comes to Grim it feels natural but why? Slowly shaking my head turning my attention back to him "Grim" saying softly, he grabs my hand softly running his thumb on the top of my hand closing my eyes while that same warm fuzzy sensation starts to form again but this time it seems to be more pleasurable then anything.

The moment between us is broken by Scarlett yelling at Luca again I get that he's protective of me because he's my cousin which I do appreciate at times but sometimes it's a tad bit much even my uncle has told him maybe I should give him a call and have him put Luca in his place again sighing grabbing his hand to just take him out back on the porch, opening the door we both feel something rush past us "Cujo" saying as my sweet yet hard headed boy just runs out the door ignoring me Grim laughs watching the scene just unfold oh gosh he's got a sexy laugh.

Leaning on the porch railing looking up at the moon "Beautiful isn't it?" he asks standing right next to me turning my head smiling "Yes" saying a little to over-excited which I was not trying to do yeah I just embarrassed myself can I go crawl in a hole now? I don't even know why I'm acting like this honestly I'm acting like a teenage girl in damn high school that's around her fucking crush it's pathetic yes I know, I wish I knew why though it would help at the moment.

"What word do you want to learn?" he asks tilting my head thinking of what word I want to learn first in German but at the corner of my eye I see Luca and Scarlett near the window arguing rolling my eyes "Asshole" saying Grim looks at me grinning devilishly but yet it makes my heart skips a beat I mean it's sexy "Arschloch" he says smoothly raising my eyebrow "What?" asking as he chuckles, "Means asshole" he says "Oh" saying looking down at my shoes in embarrassment again he places his fingers underneath my chin to tilt my head back up the gesture isn't forceful it's actually soft.

"Don't look away Schön -Beautiful-" he says my eyes grow wide he just called me beautiful oh fucking hell my heart is about to explode or what not from that "You think I'm beautiful?" asking bitting my lip waiting he slowly rubs the back of his neck nodding his head "Yes I do" he says, okay now I'm going to do a damn happy dance like no one is watching slowly taking a step back he watches me closely with hunger in his eyes damn it Grim kiss me!

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