4 - Light Reading

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Yukime sat in the town library, flipping through the pages of any book she could get her hands on. Her mate was on the last day of her rut, which meant she could go home soon. As much as she wanted to help her through the rut, she couldn't. They managed to mate each other, which was a miracle but ever since then... It had been hard for them to even be in the same room together during a rut. So they agreed to stay far from each other.

She opened a new book, her eyes widening as she read the title.

Pack guides and classifications

"Hm." She paged through the book, stopping when she saw her mother's pack.

Arctic Packs

Alphas are treated like omegas, extremely submissive and only used to mating. Alphas raise the young in the pack while the omegas Hunt, court and protect their pack. Arctic alphas are only aggressive when near their young.

Omegas are treated like alphas, completely dominate and extremely aggressive. Will never submit, has the ability to force others into submission.

Yukime raised her eyebrows, knowing the powers her mother held already.

Arctic packs have stronger night vision, their territory going dark for six months of the year has allowed them to adapt over time. Their night vision sight can range up to six miles in complete darkness.

Yukime chuckled, thinking of the pranks she could've pulled on her mother just to see her night vision switch on. Which is probably why she was better at navigating the house better than her other mother at night. She flipped through the book, reading more about different packs. Then she found hers.

High Alpha Pack - Osaka Center

The most dominate of the high alphas. Tensions are usually high, focusing on training their young to be the best leaders. All children are taken from their homes at a young age, taken to a training facility where they will live until they become of age.

After they become of age, a leadership test is performed, if any pass, they will be potential leaders for their pack. Any who fail become average citizens in the pack.

Yukime frowned, checking the date on the book. Of course it wasn't updated, but it still had valuable information. She continued to flip through, stopping on classifications.

High Alpha

Highest ranking. Stronger scents, stronger ruts than average alphas.

High alpha children will be deemed average until they are around sixteen-seventeen. Only then will they show the powerful qualities needed for high alpha status. Parents will then challenge their young, if they survive their high alpha submission, they will be put through more tests, seeing if they have the classification.

Yukime remembered being able to fight her mother's submission, and immediately after being thrown off a cliff. She shrugged her shoulders, paging through.


Extremely submissive. People pleasers. Scents are usually sweet, catching alpha attentions.

She groaned, skipping the pages about her mother and brother. She stopped when she hit the rarer classifications and read through them.


Antisocial, no emotions. Gammas can be treated at an early stage with medication, fixing the no emotion stages in their lives. However, if caught too late, they will be stuck permanently in that state. Scents are usually weather related.

She raised her eyebrow, wondering how that cross could even happen...


The only classification to happen from an alpha and beta mating. They will not experience heats or ruts. Infertility/sterile.

This classification is known for having the dominate nature of an alpha, while having the scent of an omega. They are cunning and will trick anyone and everyone into getting what they want. No one will trust this classification due to the amount of lying they will do.

Yukime frowned, feeling horrible for her sister. She had mated one... She couldn't help but think maybe Soyeon had manipulated her way to becoming Shizuha's mate only for power... she flipped the page, seeing her sister's classification.


All powerful classification. Only four can be in existence. All are season related, scents are natural distaste related.

Zetas will take on the persona of an alpha, and can potentially pass as one. Will be extremely antisocial, choosing to stay neutral in everything.

It is unclear how a Zeta is created. Winter Zetas have been proven to be bloodline related. Summer Zetas have been proven to only appear when a child is born during the hottest days of the year, thus killing their mother at birth. Spring and Fall Zetas have yet to be explained.

Yukime shut her book, pushing it away from her. She let out a small sigh, resting her head against the desk. The book only brought the memory of the oracle telling her and her sister that Shizuha should've died at birth.

"Oh Shizuha.." Yukime sighed. She pulled out her phone, looking at a few missed texts when a new one came through.

Yeji: it's finally over. Please come home I miss you so much.

Yukime sighed, she knew it wasn't over. She had a full twenty-four hours left. But she missed her mate, and even though she terrified her to no end during a rut, she went home anyway.

Yukime laid on the bed, her arms wrapped tightly around her mate. Fresh marks all over them, some still bleeding from the rough session. Yeji nuzzled into her mate, still panting.

"I hate that we do this.." Yukime frowned.

"Me too." Yeji whispered. "But we literally try and kill each other every time..." She pouted. Yukime ran her hands through her mate's hair, letting out a small sigh.

"I could always ask my mom..." she frowned.

"Don't you dare." Yeji hissed.

"Fine. Then we'll keep staying far away from each other four times a year." She scoffed. Yeji let out a whine, pulling herself on top of Yukime. She rested her entire body on top of her, nuzzling her face into her mate's neck.

"Fine... But not your mom... Anyone but your mom." She whimpered. Yukime chuckled, wrapping her arms around her mate's small body.

"I'll see what I can do." She whispered.

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