Looking into those beautiful blue eyes, that were dark on the outside and grew lighter as they got closer to the center.  Eyes that are so expressive that you become encapsulated and don't even care that they stole your soul.  Eyes that only compare to one other pair.  They were the gateway to a drug that I have only had a taste of one other time.  Feeling completely at peace I make sure to let him know how much I love him and that I don't know what I would do without him.

Laying my head on his chest while drawing circles with my finger.  Simply enjoying the sense of peace and calm before our day gets hectic and crazy.  "What is our plan for today?"  I ask. 

"Well gorgeous,  I was thinking of going to the gym and then making some pancakes together." Yes pancakes!  He totally knows the way to my heart.  Making the cutest eyes and kissing his chest.  In a pretend lisp voice I ask, "Pancakes with chocolate chips?"  He looks me in the eye and they sparkle with pure love, as he pecks my lips and answers my question perfectly, "I don't know any other kind.  Now up we go."  He gets up and disappears into our walk-in closet to change into his workout gear.

Sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed; not having to tell me twice when pancakes are at stake.  Stretching my arms above my head  and arching my back puts a smile on my face; the feeling of stretching is like no other.  Quickly making my way to the bathroom down the hall to finally relieve myself and brush my teeth.  While looking in the mirror I fix my hair and begin to contemplate going for a run while Dox is at the gym.  It would be a good chance to get Winchester some exercise.  However, on the other hand I could just stay home and read until he gets back.  I did just start this new book about this women who opened an orphanage in Africa and ended up saving a ton of babies.  I mean cute babies always outweighs exercise right? But, Winchester is definitely going to need to go for a run.  Heading back into the bedroom I start to look for my workout clothes.  Picking out the essentials and deliberating on shorts versus leggings.  Looking out the window; I can tell the sun is out.  Definitely deciding on the leggings, knowing that they will keep my non-thigh gap from rubbing together, that is if I decide to go running. With it being summer, I know that if I want to go for a run it is either going to be now, during the morning, or later this evening.  The heat gets brutal here in Atlanta, during the summer.  I mean I am not trying to die of heatstroke.  Exiting the bedroom I head into the kitchen by passing the living room.  I hear Winchester's nails tapping on the hardwood following me into the kitchen.  I suppose he abandoned the mission for that dang on bone. My assumption was correct when he brings his head up bumping my hand trying to get me to pet him. It is like this dog can read my brain and he is so playing the devils advocate.  His big ole eyes staring up at me begging for a walk.  I see he is mixing some pre workout and getting his things straight before he heads for the gym. So, I cave and decided to ask Dox, "How long are you planning on working out?" 

"I was thinking of doing a couple circuits.  So, probably no more than 45 minutes.  Why?"  He asked.  "Well I was contemplating going for a run."  Coming up to me and placing a peck on my cheek he mentions, "Lil  that is completely up to you, love.  But, I know that you always feel your best after a good hard run.  If you decide to go I would feel much better if you take Winny with you.  Plus, the weather looks great.  So, it would be a great chance to get some serotonin for that beautiful brain of yours" As he nibbles my ear he adds, "Also, I am working legs and I know how you get when you get your blood flowing." 

Looking into his eyes, that promise so much more, now I have other ideas on my mind besides going for a run.  Biting my lip and running my finger down his chest, I look at him and say, "or we could just work out here."  Chuckling he takes my face in his hands and kisses my lips quick and sweet.  "That sounds wonderful, but workout first and then we can spend the day naked in bed and eating all of the pancakes." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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