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       arrangement of broken pieces that form a picture.

       Louis and Harry were broken into pieces, but they were both beautiful people. Louis was in pieces and so was Harry, they were their own mosaics. Just because Louis was a piece in Harry's life and just because Harry was a piece of Louis' life does not mean they could fix or complete each other because a piece was always missing. A person cannot fix a person with a mental disorder just by being their boyfriend or girlfriend.

       Depressive Disorder (noun);
       persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness that interfere with everyday life.

       Anorexia Nervosa (noun);
       an eating disorder characterized by the act of obsessing over food or an intense fear of food itself.

      Self Harm (noun);
      deliberately harming your own body.

       Harry was depressed and used cutting as an escape while Louis was anorexic and starving himself was his own escape. Cutting, burning, starving, purging, etc are all acts of self-harm. All of the methods to self-harm are not what you should do as an escape; if you want an escape from the world, find yourself an outlet: music, movies, books, singing, drawing, anything that makes you forget the world around you. Please do not hurt yourself tonight, you deserve to live.

       When people found out that these two boys died, all of the people they knew and loved were devastated. Everyone couldn't believe it and their parents will never forget the call they got saying, "I'm sorry, but your son has died." No one will ever forget them, people in class with them will look at their seats every day and they will regret every harmful thing they ever said to them. Their siblings will remember all the times they failed to say, "I love you too" back to them. Their friends will always regret not getting them the help they needed, they will regret being the only other ones that knew the way they felt. People will blame themselves because of their death. Everyone will remember the two boys that loved each other, but their mental disorders took over. They will miss their voices and their laughter, but most of all they will miss the looks they gave one another.

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