"Listen girl. I don't know what happened to you that you can't have eternal peace or whatever bullshit, but I am too sober to deal with it. Come back in three hours and I will try to send you on your way." John was in no mood to do anything. He just learned his sister died, killed by a demon to get back at him.

"Mister. I am here as a messenger from Hades." She gathered herself.

"Huh? Bloody hell. What are you talking about?"

"The lord of the dead wants to ask you for a favor. I need to find a man known as 'wizard'. I was hoping you might help me." This man was slightly too intimidating. There was this aura of 'I don't care whether I live or die'.

"And what might Hady offer me, huh? It's not like the old guy can protect me from damnation." Constantine was too skeptical.

Secret closed her eyes for a moment and looked like she tried hard to concentrate on something. After she opened them again, she was far more confident. "He asked me to tell you one name: Cheryl."

In an instant, John dropped his bottle. "What?"

"He says that he is willing to give her to you in exchange for help."

"Bullshit. Hades never releases souls. He has stick too deep into his ass to even slightly bend rules. Everyone knows it."

"It is not the case here. He is looking at the bigger picture. Sir, if you are unwilling to help, I will understand and take this matter to someone else."

"Bloody hell I am interested." All the caution was thrown out of the window. John was willing to risk many things if it meant fixing this mistake of his. It was worst decision ever to go and see his sister. Especially knowing that demons were after him. But how could he know that they would kill her just to spite him.

"Good. Sir, I need you to find and help subdue William I. Zard, also known as Wizard."

"That's it? He is in Belle Reve with the other idiots who separated the worlds of Adult and children a while back." Hellblazer almost chuckled at how easy the task was. "Now about my sister."

Secret closed her eyes and concentrated once more. This time, it was far shorter. She smiled and opened her eyes. "Your sister will return soon, once my ordeal is sorted. Be patient. He told me to thank you for the cooperation."

Belle Reve
November 13, 0:33

Secret entered the prison without any problem. Among her powers were mist transformation and shadow-travel. She slipped through all the guard patrols and walked into the Warder office without any problem. She was so excited. It was like this spy cartoon she watched, about a girl who became a spy and saved the world, except she actually had superpowers! Silently, she walked to the computer and opened the catalog with files regarding the prisoners. Wizard was apparently in solitary cell because of his magical power. The problem? It was warded against most magic (courtesy of Zatara).

"Uh... Maybe..." She pressed another button and noticed that the doors to the cell opened. She panicked and in a puff! of smokey mist she disappeared from the office. Secret found herself face-to-face with William I. Zard.

"Huh. Who are you?"

"Um... Are you mister Zard?" Secret asked, even is she knew the truth.

"Why yes my child. I am indeed Lord William Zard the second. Now what would a lost spirit like you want from me?" Obviously, he already knew that the girl was a ghost. Aura of death around her was unmistakable.

"I am the messenger of the god of Magic. I came to say you..." Suddenly, her eyes glowed deep purple and the aura of death flared. Zard tried to blast her, but he was too slow. She rose her hand and purple beam hit him. "Mage vilem abierunt felis veniam familiaribus. Qui venturus est in mundum ut efferant universa serve Dei Magia. Non erit alligatus, quem tandem abutere in virtute. Quaeque tua est pietas, ut ne mors custodiebantur per ipsum" [1] In an instant, purple smoke enveloped the sorcerer and when it died down, in his place stood a Persian cat. He was mostly black with gray sideburns and golden outline of his right eye. Secret pulled out a silver collar from a hidden pocket and put in his neck. There was a symbol emblazoned on it: A skull and two burning torches.

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