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"Wait your birthday is Friday" I stopped, just remembering it was only 3 days away and I hadn't gotten Billie anything yet..but I had just the thing to get her.

Coco pov

I nodded still poking Billie's face with the shaving cream on my finger.
"How old are you?" She asked holding my fingers in place as if she wanted me to focus.
"17" I replied, hopping up to get something to eat.
I glanced at Billie, before opening the fridge. She stood still, deep in thought.
I pulled out nuts and a premade salad.

"Looks like the police are after us" Diego sighed, leaning back.
"Like they're gonna find us" Danielle sneered in a laugh.
I felt relief knowing they wouldn't.
I went to sit by Billie on the couch, seeing she moved to the living room.
"Hey baby" Billie smiled kissing me on my neck.
"Watcha doing" I asked carelessly throwing nuts in the air and catching them in my mouth.
"Thinking" she replied, staring off into space.
"Thinking abouttt..." I said expecting her to finish the sentence, wanting to know why she was acting weird after she remembered my birthday was in a few days.
"Nothing, wanna watch something?" She asked glancing at me.
"Sure" I replied leaning my head on her shoulder, and cuddling into her.
Billie flipped through the tv till I saw a familiar face.
"Back up!!!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear from the kitchen.
Billie backed up to a lady talking on the was my mom.

"What?" Billie asked glancing over at my shocked face.
I stared as my mother talked about me on the news, a picture of me popped up.
"Wait-" Billie stopped and looked at me then at the tv again, "that's your-" she stopped.
I nodded feeling pain again, completely forgetting how much I missed my family and almost forgetting what they looked like.
Billie flipped to a different channel seeing my pain.
"Its ok baby" she sighed running her fingers through my hair.
"I wanna see my family" I murmured feeling tears repeat in the same streak on my face, creating warmth in that area.
"Ok" Billie whispered leaving kisses on my head.

I woke up, not realizing I had fallen asleep.
Billie was asleep on the couch.
I walked out to the kitchen only seeing Finneas getting coffee.
"Hey coco" he greeted, opeing a packet of sugar.
"Hey" I replied, still feeling sleepy and out of it.
"want some coffee? Its vegan, it might wake you up a bit" he offered.
I nodded glancing at the time, 4 in the afternoon.
"That would be great, thank you" I gave a weak smile.
He nodded and handed me coffee mug.
I went back down to sit with Billie till she woke up.

*Coco's birthday*

I woke up feeling an instant rush, realizing it was my birthday.
"Billie" I whispered seeing if she was awake.
"Huh" she murmured still out of it but awake enough to answer.
"What's today?" I tested, wondering if she remembered it was my birthday.
"I don't know, christmas?" she groaned.
I didn't think it was funny...she forgot my birthday.
"Im kidding...happy birthday" Billie completely turned around to face me giving me a big tired smile.
"Happy 17th angel" Billie cooed covering me in kisses.
"I have a suprise for you" she quickly took my hand and dragged my down the stairs.
I quickly followed almost falling down the stairs from not being fully awake.
"Let me see my daughter!" I heard a familiar voice.
"Get out of the fucking way" I heard another familiar voice.
"Shh shh" I heard Finneas.
My eyes widened as I realized who it was.
"MOM?! DAD?!" I screamed running to were I heard the voices.
I ran into their arms practically knocking them over.
I was surrounded in their warm embrace, something that I thought I would never experience this again.

Billie paid Coco's parents large amounts of money not to tell, but they stopped coco from seeing Billie for months.
After depression and anger Coco's parents let Billie and coco see eachother again.
After two years of dating, Coco and Billie decided to move in together.
They got married not long after and lived a happy life.

A/n: THE END!!! Hope you enjoyed hehe. This book was a journey to write and im so glad its done but so proud of it. I've come so far in writing compared to my other stories and hopefully I get better cause I still kinda suck lmao but yea comment your thoughts and what i should work on next:))

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