billie and coco

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I escaped.

Fawn pov

I took a deep breath of freedom.
The front door was suprisingly open giving me the option to escape.
I took off in the woods hoping to make it harder to find me.
If Billie was going to treat me like an animal being locked up in the basement I was going to leave her.

I stopped a couple of times to catch my breath behind a large tree or rock from the direction I came from, because I had a black hoodie on which could easily be seen from miles away with all the leaves off the tree.
*bzz bzz*

I felt a faint vibration on my ear.
"What the hell" I murmured to myself feeling my ear.
I felt the pearl earrings Billie had given me the first day I was taken.
I instantly pulled them out and observed them.
They seemed normal but there was something off.
I mouthed to myself in panic, throwing them far in another direction of the woods, taking off again.
The air was cold but fortunately it was in the mid 50's so it wasn't freezing.

Billies pov

"Lucky for Fawn its not cold" I puffed, staring out the window at the trees and bushed that fawn could be possible hiding behind.
He nodded, being more chill that I lost Fawn than I was expecting.
"Well there's a very low chance she'll find her way out and if she does, the woods look so similar it will be almost impossible for anyone to find us again." He said as we pulled up.
I nodded again not paying attention.
I was anxious to see Coco again and spend time with her because we never got to since Fawn escaped.
"Coco!" I hollered up the stairs.
She raced down and jumped into my arms.
"Ready to make new popcorn and watch the office" she smiled looking slightly up to me since I was only 2 years older.
"Lets go baby" I cooed letting go.
"Race ya" Coco shouted as she raced up the stairs, making me follow.
"Shit you beat me" I sighed slightly out of breath.
I looked up and her and smiled, grabbing her hand to my room.
"Fuck mamas I wanna but I won't" I eyed her.
She smiled but didn't reply making it awkward.
She cleared her throat, "im going to get the popcorn"
"Im coming with you" I replied still not completely trusting her even though she didn't escape, Fawn did and the last thing I wanted was for Coco to.
"Looks like we're going to have to cut your hair again, its pretty long again"
I commented as we both leaned on the counter, waiting for the popcorn.
She nodded and slowly looked down.
She didnt seem to care as much as last time which made me more confident that she was getting used to being here.
"what happend to Fawn?" coco asked glancing up at the popcorn
"oh... We didnt find her" i sighed, reminding me we didnt find her.
What if she did make her way back and got to the police? Very unlikely but there was still a chance

Everything I Wanted ↬ʙᴇ ʜᴏsᴛᴀɢᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن