Chapter 3- Always Together

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I didn't know what pic to use.

And I had no idea what to name this chapter.

But here it is.

One Year Later

It was late into the night, the moon shining bright and high in the night sky, when Rapunzel got the urge to go out. She'd gotten the urge before -many times- and she always followed it. It led her to a safe place anyway; with Varian.

Ever since he was born , she felt these urges. She just felt better around him. Well, when she wasn't in trouble with her mother, that is.

Rapunzel lay in bed a few moments longer, pulling her blanket tighter around herself in an attempt to fall back asleep. But, still, the urge persisted (as it always did). Although Mother never did know when she went out at this time.

So, Rapunzel flung her covers off and quietly stepped onto the floor of her room. She started towards her door, careful to avoid the floorboards she had learned creaked, before deciding better of it and turning to climb out her window.

She fit through the window, but recently it had been sticking so she couldn't quite get it open all the way. Rapunzel had to maneuver her small body through to get out. When she pulled through the window, she landed on the ground outside with a soft thud. Hiding beneath the windowsill, she watched her room from outside for a few moments to make sure Mother wasn't coming to check on her. When there was no sign of anyone else, Rapunzel ran to the old castle grounds.

While she hid from the late-night workers, Rapunzel couldn't help but think of how disappointed Mother would be. She was nothing but good to her...But it was too late now.

She reached the large home, and hastily found the window to Varians room. Inside, the toddler was bouncing up and down, loosely holding the bars of his crib. She climbed into the room, more carefully than she went out, and he turned to her. He immediately plopped down in his spot, tilted his head at her, and giggled. She stood beside the crib, giving him a soft greeting. He hadn't yet learned to speak; mother said he was slow. Rapunzel thought that was a bit mean, and decided he just wasn't ready yet.

Although his babbles did sound a lot like and attempt at her name. She had a difficult name to pronounce, Rapunzel supposed.

She smiled wide looking into Varian's big blue eyes. She was always happier around him.

She talked for a while, mostly about what she did that day, and what his dad did. At some point she tickled him, laughing along with his giggles. About a half-hour later, she remembered how late it was, and settled onto a pillow on the floor beside the crib.

She picked up a book, One Thousand and One Nights, the same one she read from every night. As she read, she felt herself drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Two Years Later

Three-year-olds should always be supervised. A parents back should never be turned away from them, as they will run away. Quirin really should've known this from experience...

Varian wandered through his home. it was a very big space, he knew, and he hadn't seen half of it! he didn't know where he was going. He just walked down the seemingly endless halls searching for a room that seemed interesting in the slightest. But the place was boring .

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