chapter two

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'I want a restraining order.'


Ibuki Mioda thinks a lot about the words written on her forearm.

Despite her upbeat and loud personality, she always kept this to herself, since she was embarrassed at what others may say, or what she could've done to make her soulmate want a restraining order.

And, she knew she couldn't change what will happen in the future, so she just goes with the flow of things.

But, on this certain day, she got the urge to tell her friends about it.
Her friends being Hiyoko Saionji, Mahiru Koizumi, and Mikan Tsumiki.
The four of them were quite the group.

The four of them were gathered at Mahiru's house, and Ibuki was reconsidering her decision on telling them.
But she knew that if she didn't do it now, she may regret it, and she didn't want to regret things.

Once the four of them were there, Ibuki decided to tell them.

"Okay guys, Ibuki has something to tell everyone!" She yelled, startling everyone, and making Mikan fall over out of fear.
"What is it?" Mahiru asked, while Hiyoko just scowled.
"Ibuki wants to tell you about this!" She turned her wrist over, rolled up her sleeve, and moved her bracelets out of the way.

The three of them peered over, reading what was on her wrist.
"Ibuki, is this your soulmate mark?" Mahiru asked.
"Um.. yeah." Ibuki muttered, suddenly feeling a little ashamed.
"W-why do they want a restraining order?!" Mikan stuttered.
"Ibuki doesn't know... That's what she was concerned about." Ibuki said.

Hiyoko laughed. "Of course they would want a restraining order! Who wouldn't?!"
Mahiru nudged her. "Hey, be nice."
"But I'm telling the truth!"

Ibuki was used to Hiyoko's antics, so she laughed it off and didn't let it bother her.

Ibuki wondered what her soulmate was doing at this moment, while she was hanging out with her friends.

She also had no idea who they were.

Ibuki hoped it was a pretty girl, and maybe she said the restraining order thing as a joke.

"Who do you guys think Ibuki's soulmate is?" Ibuki questioned.
"I-I don't know." Mikan muttered.
"Someone with common sense! They want a restraining order from you! They're smart!" Hiyoko snickered.
"Hiyoko, stop it." Mahiru insisted.
Hiyoko didn't say anything, but she just pouted.
Ibuki continued the conversation, "Ibuki hopes it's a pretty girl!"
Hiyoko spoke up, "Like hell that a pretty girl w-"
"Hiyoko, please just be nice." Mahiru insisted for the third time they were all together.
Hiyoko stopped, but Ibuki just laughed it off again.
It really didn't hurt her, because Hiyoko normally did this and they were all used to it at this point.
"Don't worry Mahiru! Ibuki's fine! It doesn't hurt her at all!" Ibuki laughed and shrugged her shoulders.
"Are you sure?" Mahiru questioned.
"Yeah!" Ibuki smiled.

Ibuki hoped she met her soulmate.
And she really hoped it was a pretty and nice girl, completely forgetting that the message said "I want a restraining order."

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