As the concert goes on, us singing our hearts out to every song, my favorite song finally starts to play. He goes around trying to touch as many of the hands grabbing at him. He slowly moves around the stage as he sings real thing, before finally walking directly in front of us. I stare up at him in complete adoration for the beautiful boy in front of me, who's completely singing his heart out. Andy reaches her hand out and he gives it a firm squeeze causing her to let out a small sob, overwhelmed with everything going on. She pushes me forward, knowing I'd never throw my hand out to him, to shy to make a move like that.

As I get slightly thrown forward, my hand automatically shooting out for stability, it comes into contact with something. I freeze out of shock as I realize what I was holding onto was Ruels hand. I stare straight into He green eyes as he holds my hand, giving me a small grin as he sings. Fans are screaming around us as they realize he's not just giving the small squeeze before moving on, since he's still crouching down with my hand in his.

He belts out my favorite part of the song, towards the end of it where he just sings out in his raspy tone, causing my heart to practically stop. He gives my hand one last squeeze before standing up and slowly letting go, walking backwards slowly with a little smirk on his face, finishing off the song. Andy is literally shaking me and throwing me around, while I stand there in complete shock at what happened. He finishes the concert, continuously making eye contact with me throughout the last few songs, causing me to freeze up every time and send a small smile towards him.

"I love you all, thank you for coming out tonight. I can't wait to meet some of you after this, hopefully I see all of you at the meet and greet" he says with so much love to the crowd, looking over to where Andy and I stand when he says all, causing me to blush instantly, even though there was no way he was talking about me.

Andy and I make it to the m&g line once we leave the concert hall, shaking with nerves from the surreal experience. We've barely even spoken since the concert ended, trying to soak it all in. Finally as we wait at the end of the line, not caring if we were last, she turns to me and grips my hands with pure mischief lighting up her eyes.

"Bitch you guys had a moment. Everyone saw it and he did it on purpose. Our Australian bitch had a connection with you" she all but shrieks into my ear. I roll my eyes and give her a light shove, knowing she was being her typical overdramatic self. We talk about the concert as the line slowly dwindles until it's our turn. She gives me a slight shove to go in front of her as we make it to where Ruel is sitting on the black sofa, waiting for the last fans to come in, aka Andy and I.

He looks up with a slightly defeated look before a grin slowly appears on his face as he sees us. Andy lets out a cough, causing me to look at her seeing her smirking. I blush at my stupid friend, knowing the mischievous games she's trying to play. Ruel stands up and gives Andy a nice big hug, before slowly turning to me and holding a hand out so that he could pull me closer from where I was standing at a distance away from them.

I shyly place my hand into his, hearing his chuckle at my obvious nerves for the situation. He pulls me into his arms, tightly wrapping them around my body, swaying us from side to side. Neither of us notice Andy pull out her phone to record the moment. He pulls away and looks down at me, giving me a soft smile as my face heats up, a matching blush on his face. He pulls the both of us to the couch, an arm around the both of us as we smile for pictures. Once we take our pictures he stands up and turns to us with a grin.

"So did you guys enjoy the concert? I was a little nervous about real thing, do you think it went well?" He questions genuinely before slowly giving a boyish smirk as he brings up real thing. I instantly blush knowing he recognized me from the moment we had.

"Fuck yeah, concert was great, and real thing was amazing. Honestly probably the best song you did, right?" She questions giving me a nudge as Ruel lets out a laugh and shakes his head with a smile.

"Yeah it was really good, you're honestly so talented" I mumble out looking down, trying really hard to calm my nerves and shaking hands. Ruel bends down in front of us, reaching out and taking my hands into his.

"Hey don't be getting all shy on me, I wanna see that pretty smile of yours" He says softly, as I look up to make eye contact, watching him look me over with a look I can't figure out in his eyes. Andy lets out a light cough, watching us with a grin on her face, causing Ruel to let go of my hands and stand up.

We talk with him for another ten minutes, mainly Andy carrying the conversation with him, since I'm too shy

"Would you guys like to hangout on the bus? There's no other fans left and I'd like to get to know you both" he asks with a cute smile, causing my heart to speed up. Before I can even reply Andy already starts walking forward towards the back exits, yelling about how she wants to play fifa. I let out a laugh following behind her with Ruel next to me, both of us walking at a leisurely pace.

"I uhm want to know if I can have your number? You're really pretty and I just have a good feeling about you. It'd be a shame if I didn't shoot my shot at least, yeah?" He asks giving me a little wink, causing me to ease up around him and nod my head.

"I always knew we were meant to be friends, thank god you have a thing for my best friend, now you can't get rid of me either bitch" Andy all but cackles out, causing Ruel to laugh and roll his eyes knowing she's definitely a wild friend.

We make it onto the bus and sit around with one of his friends and Coco, all getting to know each other and just really having a good time. As we talk I notice something touch my hand, I glance down in time to see him intertwine our fingers, giving my hand a soft squeeze. I look up and send him a smile, knowing my face was turning pink the more he looked at me.

"You're honestly so breathtaking" Ruel leaned over and whispered into my ear, instantly causing me to blush and freeze up, not expecting such a bold compliment. He notices my posture and lets out a quiet laugh, giving my hand a small squeeze as his thumb rubs the back of it.

"You're quite bold now aren't you" I whisper back, with a teasing grin on my face. Watching the smile that lights up his face, happy that I'm becoming more comfortable and less shy. He lets out a laugh and wraps his arm around my shoulder, our interlocked hands hanging and still entwined.

That's how the rest of the night went, not so secretive hand holding, soft glances, whispered compliments, and the night sealed with a hug and new contacts on our phones, with the promise to see each other the next day. Who would have thought, besides Andy of course, that a m&g would change my life for the better like this.

Who would have thought that a few months later, the boy of my dreams would become my boyfriend, and love of my life.

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