"Then what do you want princess? Name it and I'll make it happen, I promise." He states with so much conviction in his voice, that I almost believe it.

"I want you. I want you back home with me. I don't want more hoodies because I want yours, I want the ones that smell like you and have all the tears and stains because you always seem to trip or spill something on them. I just want you." I whisper out, feeling completely broken for the first time when it comes to having a part time long distance relationship.

I hear him let out a sound of distress before the call hangs up. I stare at my phone in shock, not able to comprehend that he just hung up on me. Before I can lose it, I get an incoming FaceTime call. I answer it while pulling the blankets over me so that he can barely see me, as I set my phone up against my side table, so that I don't have to hold it while talking to him.

Ruel sits there, with his phone in a similar position, letting him just lean back and watch me. I see the slight crease between his eyebrows, letting me know he's stressed out because of this.

"Hi baby, I wanted to see that pretty face of yours, but I can only do that if you move the blankets." He says with a small smile on his face, causing me to rapidly shake my head, really not wanting him to see me like this.

"I look ugly. My eyes are probably puffy and my face is splotchy from crying. Like I'm literally still crying, so I don't want you to see me" I whisper back, feeling completely insecure, even though he has seen me cry countless times over the length of our 2 year relationship.

"First of all, you're never ugly. I don't care if you go bald and even lose your eyebrows, you'll still be the prettiest girl in the world. Let me see that beautiful face of yours, or I might just lose my mind" He says, trying to joke with me to make me feel better. I let out a quiet laugh at how dramatic he's being, causing him to instantly breakout in a grin, knowing he's finally reaching me.

I pull down the blankets from around my head, causing him to just watch me, with a look of awe on his face. He looks at my slightly puffy and red rimmed eyes, my hair that's in a messy falling apart bun, and the red splotches around my face from crying so much. He also takes in the tear streaks that are going down my face, still managing to think that I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on.

"Fuck you're gorgeous" He says with a lovestruck grin on his face. I immediately roll my eyes and try to cover my face, hoping he doesn't notice the way my face turns red from his compliments.

"Shut up Rueloff, you're just saying that to make me feel better" I retort, making him lean back with a hand over his heart like I shot him.

"Excuse me baby, I don't lie. You're fucking beautiful, like I have the hottest girlfriend in the world if I'm being blunt about it." He laughs with a boyish smile on his face, causing me to throw my head back with a laugh. Loving the way he looks at me, with that little twinkle in his eye.

"I miss you. I really miss you, please come back" I mumble with a small sad smile taking over my face. I see him straighten up from my change in mood, before he tilts his head to the side and gives me a small loving smile.

"I'll be back before you know it. I miss you more than anything baby, I have an idea but I'll tell you about it soon, I just need to talk to Nate and figure some things out." He mumbles with a smirk on his face, letting me know he's up to something.

"Okay, I can't wait to hear about this idea of yours" I laugh out, trying my hardest to ignore the way he's looking at. I see his eyes shift down to the hoodie I'm wearing, since the blanket fell off my shoulders.

"Baby you can barely even see the sharpie on the sleeve, but don't worry I got about 3 hoodies here that I'll make sure you get, smell just like me and one of them even has some mystery stain on it" He says with a big smile causing me to snort at the fact that he's such a mess.

"Ew bubs, you can keep the mystery stain one." I say watching him glare at me, for laughing about his dirty hoodie. He looks me over again and just smiles. I look down and play with my fingers, not liking how intense his gaze is.

"I love you" he says, with the biggest smile on his face. I look up at him and slightly tear up again as I just stare and wonder how I got such a beautiful person to love me and all my faults.

"I love you too, more than anything." I reply with as much love as possible, hoping he can hear and feel how much I truly feel for him. He gives me a breathtaking smile, before turning a cute shade of pink from blushing.

"Stooop you're making me blush" he whines out, trying to give me a glare but ruining the act by laughing. I smile at him as I watch the way his eyes light up as he laughs, the way he tilts his head to laugh but watch me at the same time, the way he looks at me like he's seeing me for the first time.

We talk for another hour or so before hanging up since he had to go and get food, because Nate told him no more room service. I sigh a little bit once we end the call, before realizing I'll be okay, a little distance for a bit won't hurt us.

Two weeks pass by before I get a phone call from Ruel, I stare at the screen with a perplexed look, considering we just got off the phone an hour ago. We talk every single day, but he's never called me before without sending a text first to make sure I'm not doing anything, I start to get nervous thinking it's an emergency.

"Hello? Ruel are you okay?" I instantly spew out with anxiety lacing my time before he can even get a word in. I hear him start laughing on the other end of the receiver before hearing Nate yell at him to hurry up.

"Haha babygirl, calm down. I'm okay and I'm not hurt. I can finally tell you the idea I had, well not an idea anymore since I made it reality." He says, I can literally hear the smirk in his voice, instantly causing me to roll my eyes at his cocky tone.

"Okay Rueloff, what's this amazing plan that you have?" I sassily reply. I hear him start snickering, causing me to become weary since Ruel only has that laugh when he's about to do something crazy.

"Ohhh babygirl I don't think you're ready, are you ready? Like really ready? Like positively ready? I don't think you are" he basically sings out, with pure excitement filling his voice. I feel myself getting filled with anticipation on what my crackhead boyfriend is about to do. Before I can even reply to him to shut up and tell me, my phone gets an alert.

"Look at the text" He basically screeches out, causing my to fumble and put him on speaker so I can still hear him as I check the message. What I see leaves me shell shocked, I was expecting a new collab with an artist I love, not him to completely go all out.

"Oh my god Ruel what" I choke out with tears pouring down my face, a few sobs coming out from the overwhelming emotions I have running through me.

"That's your boarding pass for tomorrow, see you in Norway baby" He shouts, his voice wavering, letting me know this gap of not seeing each other and finally getting to reunite is affecting him as much as it's affecting me.

That's how a little over 24 hours later, I end up falling asleep in the arms of my beautiful boyfriend. Listening to his quiet breaths as he holds me as tight as he can. Feeling his soft skin and taking in the moment, the moment where I truly got to feel whole again. I finally drift off, hearing the quiet "I love you" and feeling the soft kiss to my temple, letting me know I'm back where I'm supposed to be, with my soulmate.

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