"What can you tell Coco that you can't tell me? We literally tell each other everything I thought" He questions with a slightly hurt look on his face. I roll my eyes at his dramatics before putting my head onto his lap as he sits on the bed.

"I do tell you everything, but just like there's things you tell the boys and not me, I do that with my girl friends too. There's just some conversations that are girls only, sorry bubs" I say with a laugh as I reach up to pinch his cheek as pouts at me.

"But why can't you tell me everything? I'm your best friend, not her." He says with an eye roll while grabbing my hand and holding it to his face so that it's pressed against the cheek I just pinched.

"Stop whining because you already know you're my favori-" I try to say before I get cut off by Ruels phone going off, I get up and grab his phone to hand it to him just to see about 5 texts from "Marissa :)". The smile on my face instantly drops and I hand him the phone. He looks at me with a questioning look because of my reaction, before glancing at his screen and then looking at me with wide eyes.

"Did you see the messages?" He says with an alarmed look on his face, I step back from him with a confused and hurt face, because what is he talking about with her that I can't know about, especially since we 'tell each other everything' like he said.

"No, I didn't. I'll just go hang out with Coco for a bit, and leave you to do whatever it is that you need to do" I mumble giving him a sad smile. He immediately stands up and grabs my wrist as I'm leaving the room, giving me a pleading look.

"Wait, whatever you're thinking is probably wrong. It's not like that, I'm not hiding anything from you." Ruel states trying to get me to not leave. I let out a soft sigh before gently taking my wrist away from his grip.

"Calm down Ruel, I just wanna see Coco for a bit, I'm not mad, you can talk to whoever you want. We're best friends and I support you" I tell him with a small smile, watching as his face slightly contorts when I say best friends.

Before he can say anything I head straight to Cocos room and throw myself onto her bed. She lightly rubs her fingers throughout my hair as I lay against her legs. I explain everything to her about Marissa and how weird he acted when it came to the messages between the two and wait for her reaction. She gives me a perplexed look, looking deeply confused.

"That doesn't add up" she mumbles lost in thought, forgetting I can hear her. I shoot straight up and stare her straight in the eyes, trying to look for any hint on what she's talking about.

"What doesn't add up? What do you know?" I question wanting to know more about the situation with Ruel and Marissa. She shakes her head softly at me before lightly giving my hand a squeeze.

"Babes, I don't know anything about Marissa, so I couldn't tell you what that's about. I will tell you though, I don't think there's anything going on, because let's just say I'm not only your confidant, but I'm also his." She says with a soft smile and I feel my heart break.

"So he talks to you about girls.." I trail off trying to act like I don't care, even though Coco knows me better than that and can tell I'm hurt. She lets out a laugh and rolls her eyes. Before she can reply and confirm my terrified thoughts, I interrupt with a statement of my own.

"It's whatever though, I mean I heard Luke liked me and was thinking about asking me on a date, so I might just take him up on that offer." I state trying to sound like I'm not heartbroken, only to look up and see Coco staring behind me with a shocked and terrified look on her face.

I turn to see Ruel standing in the doorway with a pissed off expression, completely glaring at me. He lets out a scoff as he comes into the room and stands in front of where we are sitting. I stare at him in shock with my mouth slightly parted, not even knowing what to do about this situation.

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