"Okay so let's answer some of these. First of all sailing? Do I look like a boat to you? I also am not only not a boat, but I am not a mother and pleaseee this is my hoodie" I sassily say while dramatically flipping my hair over my shoulder. Ruel laughs and gives me a light shove before glancing at the hoodie and rolling his eyes.

"I know I said you could borrow it, but I didn't think you'd actually keep it and just never give it back to me" he says playfully glaring at me causing me to snort and turn back to the phone to look at more comments. This time just seeing comments about how I'm so blind for not noticing the obvious, like what's obvious?

"That's a you problem bubs, buuut rueloff_2 you're correct, this is actually his hoodie, that I now proclaim as mine" I say laughing, only to turn and see Ruel blushing as he reads the comments. Before I can even question him on what everyone means when they say 'it's obvious' he starts talking.

"Guys she's always called me bubs, it's not anything new, stoppp embarrassing me" He whines as he sees all of them calling him bubs. I lean my head on his arm and smile up at him, as he looks down at me and smiles before turning back to the live and answering more questions.

"Ooh Ruel there's a question for you, got a crush on anyone?" I ask him with a small smirk, trying to hide the fact that I'm beyond nervous to hear his reply. He tenses up and turns red, causing my heart to shatter, but I cover it up with a laugh and a slight nudge to his arm.

"Uhm like celebrity crush?" He asks while trying to avoid answering the question. I roll my eyes before giving him a deadpan look.

"Obviously not, they mean a real girl that you actually have a chance with, not like Beyoncé or something" I say with a grin, even though I'm literally sweating buckets because of the question and not wanting to know what beautiful girl he's gonna say.

"I mean uhm yeah, I guess so. I don't have a chance with her, she just sees me as a best friend, but you can't help who you have feelings for" He says with a small smile as I nod and face the live to focus on more comments, trying to ignore the feeling of heartbreak, whilst being completely oblivious to the tall boy watching me with a soft smile and affection clouding his eyes.

As I'm looking at the comments, I see a particular one that catches my eye, but I knew it was too fast for Ruel to see.

loco4coco: y'all are killing me with this whole oblivious not seeing what's in front of u thing
2tall4u: sing a song to describe your crush, both of you
roolthefool: do IT
cocoisbetterthanu: u must do it or I'll die

"Oh I've been dazed and confused, from the day I met you" I sing with a small smirk, wondering if the fans will catch on to me answering their question. Giving them a sad smile when I see the comments start flying in ranging from "oh my god" to "that couldn't have been more obvious", knowing that he'd never feel the same.

"Woah she sings one line from my song and you guys go crazy, but I sing all the time on here and you guys ignore me and just ask to see Coco" he mumbles with a glare towards the camera before shaking his head with a small smile, coming out of the trance he was in while she sang. Which didn't go unnoticed by fans, as they watched him stare at her with a complete look of awe on his face. We talk to the fans for a little bit longer before my phone starts getting messages from Nate about getting off live.

"Aww sorry guys we have to go now, Nate just texted that it's time to head over for the show, love you all" I say blowing a kiss to the camera, with Ruel smiling and wrapping his arm around me and giving a wave before ending the live. We both decide to get ready in his room, listening to music and joking around with each other the whole time, before finally leaving to go start the concert.

We get to the venue and I go out and do my set, seeing Ruel singing to all my songs on the side of the stage, before thanking the fans and telling them to get ready for Ruel. I jog off stage with a wave, grabbing the water bottle Ruel was holding and taking a drink from it.

"You killed it bubs" he mumbles, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I smile against his chest before giving him a small hug and telling him to go kill it on stage. While he's up there, I get a phone call, telling Nate to record however much I miss, before jogging to a quiet part of the back area. While I'm taking a call, I miss a fan yelling out to Ruel to "man up and make my ship happen already", causing him to roll his eyes at them before replying with a comment that makes the fans go crazy.

"I will, you guys know I did read a lot of those comments today, but if you're wrong and make me embarrass myself, I'm quitting this tour" he laughs causing the fans to scream and laugh. He then glances over to Nate, who gives him a thumbs up to signal that I'm still gone, before Ruel keeps talking and comes up with a quick plan with the crowd, before resuming to his set list.

I come back and listen to the rest of his set and as he is about to play one very last song, since the crowd begged him, when they start chanting for me to go on stage with him. He motions for me to come join him out there, leading to me shyly joining him on stage, knowing that most of these fans probably watched the live. Once I'm within reach, he pulls me over and wraps his arm around my waist, causing the fans to erupt in screams, and my face to grow hot.

"Do you guys mind if I do a special song as my encore?" Ruel asks the crowd, causing them to all scream out in excitement. He lets out a laugh and nods his head, turning to the band and giving them a thumbs up to start the track. I give Ruel a confused look, considering the song was starting and I didn't have a microphone or even know what the plan was. He gives me a soft smile before grabbing my hand and turning me to completely face him.

"Oh I've been dazed and confused, from the day I met you" Ruel belts out with a smirk on his face as he watches my expression turn from confused to absolutely mortified.

Before I can even do anything, he grabs my waist and pulls me in close, pressing his forehead into mine, both of us ignoring the screaming and everything happening behind us. He moves one hand slowly up from my waist to the side of my neck, slowly tilting my head up. I breathe in deeply staring into his green eyes, watching as he cracks a small smile at me.

"You've been a little oblivious to my feelings for you, but we're gonna change that" He mutters leaving no room for argument, his breath fanning across my lips, right as he smirks and leans down, completely pressing his lips to mine, causing the crowd to lose their minds.

"Fucking finally!! We've known about his crush for like 8 months now!" A fan screams causing Ruel to pull back with a laugh and me to look at him in awe. He turns back to me and gives me another small peck, causing the fans to go wild.

Later that night, I'm in my hotel room with Ruel as he lays with his head in the crook of my neck letting out soft even breaths while I lightly play with his hair, thinking about the fact that if it wasn't for the fans we wouldn't even be together right now. While I softly smile at the fact that we were so dumb to never notice one another's feelings, I don't even notice the shift of his head, as his green eyes stare up at me and watch me with nothing but pure love in them, a true love that'll never go away.

Who knew that we could both be so obvious about our feelings, yet oblivious to each other's feelings. Guess we've quite literally been Dazed and Confused with each other, or as our fans said "plain fucking stupid".

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