Chapter 17: Five Become One

Comenzar desde el principio

Krolia squared her shoulders, a sideways glance flickering over to Allura before immediately returning to the screens in front of her. "General Acxa has revealed the location of Prince Lotor, his plans, and where the vile came from. I believe we should send a small group of Blade's to investigate these claims. Normally, I would suggest sending the Princess in this unique case; however she is needed with the rest of Voltron for their attack on Central Command."

"Areed, but why suggest Princess Allura? What is it that you found?"

"There is a planet located inside the quantum abyss that holds a colony created by Prince Lotor himself. The Prince had been ordered by Emperor Zarkon to hunt down and eliminate any survivors who had been off planet at the time of Altea's destruction. Instead, he brought them to the remote and well-hidden colony where they have lived in secret for 10,000 deca-phoebs. He used this time to search for any born with 'the mark of the chosen' and harnessed the gifted, siphoning their quintessence and leaving behind empty husks to rot. The vile we intercepted - I believe it to be one of these."

Allura gave a loud and dramatic gasp, Coran stared in silent shock, and Kolivan lost himself to his thoughts as he dissected this new information. Several very tense dobashes went by before he finally replied. "We are ready for our missions, and the battle to take back the Empire will commence in two quintants. This changes nothing. I will spare one fleet of operatives and pods for your side quest, no more. You may select those you feel best suited for this mission; I trust your judgment. In the meantime, provide any thing regarding the Prince to Antok, he is in charge of the assassination and will need all the intel he can get. The Prince's defeat is paramount if we wish to set the Empire in a new direction."

"Yes, Leader. Am I required to return to base?"

"No, you may deliver your report to Antok from the Castle of Lions. In the meantime, we are proceeding with the plans for the Kral Zera. Our selected operative has been informed of his role and has graciously accepted. After Voltron's defeat of the Emperor, he will be in your care to ensure his safe arrival on planet Feyiv for the ceremony."

"Yes, Leader." The line was severed and Allura nearly tackled Krolia, questions flying from her at a rapid-fire rate. The seasoned Blade merely stared in return until she had finished, took a deep breath, and replied in a rather condescending tone. "Once you have gathered yourself Princess, you may begin again."

Keith snorted and received a sharp glare from Allura before her attention was refocused on his mother. He rolled his eyes but was genuinely curious about her discovery and therefore chose not to speak up.

"An entire planet filled with surviving Alteans? I must be the one to go."

"No, you mustn't." Krolia responded rather curtly.

"My people need me." Allura pressed.

"The Universe needs you." Krolia insisted. She pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation, letting out a heavy sigh. "Princess, I know how you must be feeling, but you need to understand the importance of defeating the Emperor and the role you play in our plans. Plans that you helped form. You're position with Voltron is vital to the mission and without you we cannot proceed. It is imperative that you remain with the Castle of Lions to defeat Emperor Zarkon. Our operatives, ones specifically chosen for this assignment, will secure the potential colony and will be waiting for you when the mission is completed. In the meantime, do not lose your focus; we must all be prepared for the monumental task before us. Can I trust you to keep a level head?"

"You Galra are so cold." Allura whispered under her breath and Krolia gave no reaction what so ever. Squaring her shoulders and straightening her back, Allura poised herself, drawing on her upbringing to look every bit the royal and diplomat she was. "I will not allow myself to be distracted. Zarkon must be dealt with once and for all. My only request is that I be included in choosing the Blades selected to visit the colony. I wish to send a message along with them for any Alteans that live there."

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