Chapter 2 Vampire, ooOHhOOhoo

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It was at the start of the year where everyone was just trying to find their place in the high school. You know how this goes, jocks go with jocks, mean girls go with mean girls. And blah, blah, blah rest is history, you think I'm that girl that says, "I'm not like other girls." And well I like reading books. And yeah, the rest just any other girl. I was taught to be like the others, to be in the crowd, so that when I attack... They'll never see it coming...

I sit with the book-fanatics. We talk about all the good books and how it "feels" nice, I go with it since I have nothing else to do.

"Hi! My name's Alice! Alice Cullen! Nice to meet you." A girl with dark short brown hair said, presenting her hand. I shook her hand and introduced myself. Gentleman style. Her eyes widen as I took her hand and kissed it, "pleasure to meet you Alice, Reyna is the name" I chuckled, her hand was cold as ice, was she cold? Is she okay? Even though I had these questions, I still shook her hand once again. "Sorry if I weirded you out, it's a thing I do at my old place." Her eyes lit up like a light bulb.

"Oh don't worry! It's actually been a while since something so gentlemanly happened to me..." she looks behind her, a handsome pale faced blond haired man came beside her and held her hand. "This is Jasper," she gestured to the boy, 'Jasper' huh, what an odd name. I offered my hand to Jasper, he eyes widened, slightly biting his lip. His eyes stained red and Alice quickly grabbed him away from me.

"Sorry was that me?" I asked, pulling my hand towards my chest, suddenly insecure about my actions. "Nonono!" she stumbled, "that's just Jasper... he's not used to around people that much..."

"Oh, I see, I hope to see you around more, Alice-"


Before I could even finish my sentence a boy with, holy damn that's a sharp ass jaw, holy heck, oh uh I meant, a boy with wavy light brown hair and a handsome face, interrupted me and took Alice away, I saw his eyes, it was as if he wanted to kill me. He gnarled at the sight of me. I furrowed my brows, what's up with him?

He whispered something to her with a concerned and angry face, he walked away with his hands in his pockets. What a weirdo. Alice waved goodbye, running to the dark-haired boy and to Jasper. What a weird trio.

As I sat walked into my science class there sat the dark-haired boy who was with Alice. Great, I have to deal with this emo bitch. Man, I shouldn't say emo bitch, I don't even know him... sorry man didn't mean to. I saw him smirk as I walked closer to the table.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask, politely waiting for him to answer. He chuffed and muttered a low no, not even looking my way. Rude. If you want to be polite then you should look at the person who's talking to you. I sat down. At that moment he turned his head to me. Better, I guess. He immediately scrunched his nose as he turned to my face. "what? Do I smell or something?" I looked him.

"No- no. I uh, I don't like the, the, perfume your wearing." Really? But Britney Spears's Curious perfume smells like flowers or a freshly watered and grown garden? How? Can he- you know what let's drop this argument in my head. I'm too distracted by how pale he is... Is he a..

I saw his breath hitched

Is he a...Anaemic?

He seemed to let out a sigh of relief. "Name's Reyna. Yours?" he turned to face me again, leaning on his chair he whispered. "Cullen. Edward Cullen" I scoffed, huh so he's related to that sweet girl, Alice? Wow, they look nothing alike.

"I see you liked to introduce yourself the James Bond way huh?" I whispered back, grabbing my stuff out of my bag. "No, I don't even know who he is..." he shifted his head right and left. Lies. He knew who he is. Hm, I don't like liars... should I be friends with you, or will you betray me? He looked at me in the eyes. I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Edward. I hope we can be friends." He offered his hand, gladly, I took it, and shook it with a firm grip. My "dad" always said a firm handshake can make a good first impression.

At the second lunch break I sat down again with the book-fanatics; I have already memorised the names of every one of them. First, we have Athy, a freshman, a blond and short girl. Naveen, a handsome, African American, freshman. Duula, an Arabian freshman, who likes to colour match her hijab with her clothes. And Luke, oh Luke, oh holy smokes Luke. He's half Korean and half Greek, he's in sophomore year and is the founder of the book club and the book-fanatics leader. And he's hella handsome. Like handsome, handsome.

I nudged Luke on his elbow. "Hey Luke, do you know who they are?" I asked pointing to Alice and the other two.

"Oh that's the Cullens', my mom works with their mom. I think they were adopted by Dr and Mrs Cullen few years ago." I nodded my head, huh, so no relation at all huh. "Yet they look like they haven't aged at all. Weird right?" I chuckled.

"Especially when they don't like to go out when its sunny or when they're so cold when you accidentally touch them." He shivers in trauma. "Heck! All of these years I've met them I've never seen them eat!" he continued

"damn, what are they, vampires?" I asked. He laughed at my statement and continued to eat his lunch while talking to Naveen. I felt two eyes burn behind my back, darting behind me I found Edward staring at me. As our eyes met, I smiled back at him, waving at the others as well, a blond-haired girl, a buff short haired boy and the trio waved back with small smiles.

Damn. Pale, doesn't go in direct sunlight, cold when you touch them, doesn't eat or doesn't like to eat, hasn't grown old in years... Huh, they could so totally be vampires.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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