Introductions (^0^)

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I was 15 when my "family" decided to move to the small town of Forks. Population of 2897, where the weather was rainy and cloudy as always. It was cold when I first moved in, physically and mentally. My body still hasn't adapted to being in a "normal family". You see, I'm being trained to be this big businesswoman in the future. So, this is the first time I've been in a normal home.

Ever since I left Brooklyn, I've always lived in a building, a tower, in a spare room in an office. I've never been in an actual home. With a backyard, and an actual bedroom with an actual bed, not just a mattress on a floor. For the better and for the worst, I like being here. Its nice, and well, home-like.

I just think that moving to the other side of the country is a bit much don't you think? They said I need to at least feel like a normal teenager and grow like one. Y'know like have friends, enemies, crushes, boyfriends, so that you can manipulate them much easier to buy whatever I'm making a business about. For me, it's a good opportunity to meet people and have fun before being locked in a building forced to make deals all day. But for them, "my family" they think this is just a step in me becoming a businesswoman. Fine lol.

It was 12 pm and everyone in the household was up and bustling, by everyone in the household, I mean the whole 4 of us. First of is my "mom", Carmen Loera, a nice, 37-year-old bakery shop owner that loves to make different variations of quesadillas in her free time. Next up is my "dad", Martin (Marty) Loera, a slightly strict parent that loves to make sure his "kids" (children who is in training to be a businessperson) doesn't stray away from the path to become a businessperson. He's a doctor that's specialized in broken bones and well bones. Third is my "brother", Martin Jr Loera, (Jr.), 20 years old and is a tall, lean, protective, tattoo artist that will do better if you pay him more. Oh and last but not least me.

Reyna Olive Loera, (Liv), 15, likes to read books and bake with her mom. Or that's what I'm told.

I was adopted into the family at 11, and since then I've been learning about manipulation techniques, how to fake a cry and use emotions at your advantages. It was fun. But now I want to get serious. I say becoming a businesswoman like a bad thing but it's not. I want to become one, its just that I hate the process of becoming one. Such a waste of time...

So did all that sound real to you?

Well it is real don't worry.

You want to know more?

Here's how I met a vampire.

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