The Painful Reawakening

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'Deep down, there is a light that never goes out.'
These words echoed through Roxas' brain as opened a dark corridor to the next world. Neverland. There was talk that Sora had been spotted there, so it didn't hurt to take a look. Upon arrival, the boys heart felt different, yes it was opened to the darkness, but he could still feel the light deep down. That part...that part was holding onto the idea that Sora could be brought back. It felt like there two of him arguing with one another inside his own head.
'Must..find..Sora,' Roxas was becoming a zombie again. What was it gonna take to be fixed? He couldn't understand it. The heartless still continued to attack Roxas, the blonde arrived on board Captain Hook's abandoned ship. It was full on very powerful heartless. Out of nowhere the boys head begins to ache, something was wrong. He fell to his knees and screamed out in agony, his eyes closes tightly.
"Owww!!! God! What is..happening to me!?"
Roxas opened his eyes and saw her...
"Xi-Xion?" He muttered through gritted teeth. "H-how are you here!? You-you were gone!"
Xion smiled gently and held her hand out to the boy, she could see and feel his pain. As her heart had collided with his. She was always with him, Xion hadn't gone anywhere. All Roxas has to do was...look within himself. Defeat the dark.
Roxas reached for the girls hand, but his hand fazed through her own. "W-what? No..." Roxas did his best to ignore the insane aching of his head.
Xion began to speak, "R-Roxas...this isn't you. You're not meant to fall to darkness. Keep fighting..." The dark haired girls voice was soothing, calming. Her words seemed to wrap around Roxas' brain as if it was being branded onto him. Each syllable stung just a little bit more. "The Roxas I know would have found me already...look inside yourself. It'll be okay...I'm always" Xion got down onto her knees, and met Roxas' eyes. She smiled widely, then reached her arm out and gently tapped the boys chest where his heart is. Once her fingertips touched against the keyblade wielder, she began to fade.
Roxas closed his eyes again, her words echoed in his head repeatedly. He pushed himself up and off of the ground. Then he heard a scream, 'S-She'd want me to go help' he thought to himself.
Roxas began to run through the ship searching for where the screams had come from he burst in through the door to an insane scene. There was a girl trapped in a corner surrounded by heartless, and then a boy who seemed to be unconscious on the floor. The two seemed to look familiar, but he shook it off. Roxas summoned his keyblades and began to get to work. He dragged his blades on the ground and jumped up into the air. Quickly, he brought the blades up over his head and brought them down just before he hit the ground creating a large slam eliminating the heartless that surrounded the young girl. His eyes scanned over the girl, he remembered. "Wendy?" The boy said aloud.
"D-do I know you?" The girl asked, she seemed afraid still as if he was gonna hurt her, maybe she could somehow sense the darkness inside him.
"No, I suppose not. Not many know me," Roxas stuck out his hand, "My name's Roxas, and I'm here to help." He forced a smile.
Wendy felt a little better about Roxas' company as she shook his hand, "T-thank you for the he- Peter!" She brushed past Roxas and over to who Roxas assumed to be a good friend of hers.
Roxas shook his head and turned around facing the pair, he looked at Peter Pan who laid there still unconscious. The blonde wandered over and casted a spell, "Curaga," the boy muttered.
Suddenly, Peter shot up "Wendy!" He shouted and then looked over, "oh good you're okay!" his eyes shot around the room and fell onto Roxas, "And who are you?"
Roxas sighed, "My name's Roxas, you must be Peter correct? I'm looking for another boy, his name's Sora?"
Peter chuckles as he stands up, "Sora!? Sure I know Sora! He pops in from time to time! He's not in trouble is he?"
Roxas shook his head, "No...I mean..I dont believe so. I just need to find him when was the last time he stopped by?"
Peter scratched the top of his head, "Hm. I think he was here about...a week or so ago?" Peter looked at Wendy for confirmation.
"Y-yeah that sounds about right. Sora...he's a crazy one. Please keep him out of harms way," The girl smiled at Roxas, she was practically clutching onto Peters arm.
"Thanks you two," Roxas' head began to ache once again. He did his best to hide the pain. "One more thing," His eyes shut for a moment. "Did-Did he say where he was going next?"
Peter once again thought for a moment again, "Hm...he doesn't say a lot, but he did leave this. I dont know if it was by accident. Or what. But I wish you lots of luck!" Peter smiled.
Roxas nodded toward him, "Thank you Peter..Thank you Wendy. Be safe now."
Peter and Wendy waved as the blonde left the ship. Just before leaving the world he opens up a page that seemed like it was ripped out of a notebook.
All it said on the page was, 'TRAVERSE TOWN'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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