"oh shut up ricky, she's seventeen not seven!" mum groans, her eyes rolling at his comment.

"i agree with dad, no way is dahl wearing that out!" james chimes in with his disapproval of the dress.

mum just shakes her head as i continue opening presents.

by the end of it i had gotten more clothes, ones dad and james approved of this time,
not that i really cared what they thought, along with a new walkman cassette player with a pair of headphones to plug into it which i had been asking for a new one for ages. matt has also gotten me a red leather jacket.

just as i thought i was done james places a heavy weighted wrapped present on my lap, "this ones just from just dad and i."

my eyebrows slightly furrow as i rip off the paper, tossing it to the floor as i see a stack of many records making an instant grin appear on my face.

i already owned many records however they were just something in my opinion you can't have enough of. ever since i was young i've always had a weird fascination with records and record players, honestly i couldn't really tell you why it was just one of those random liking i guess.

"do you like them?" dad smiles downwards, towering over me at around six foot two.

"of course i like them!" i happily clap.

"there's like five or so in there that were also mine when i was around your age, i thought it was time you had them," he tells me.

"are you sure, don't you still listen to them?"

"sometimes but you'll get better use out of them than me, plus it's not like we live in the same house and i cant just go upstairs and grab it if i feel like listening to it, is it?" he says sarcastically with a laugh.

i roll my eyes at him before thanking everyone once again for all my presents. i really had been quite spoiled this year and i was very grateful for that.


"so what records did you get?" molly questions, looking up from my cassette player which she had been trying to set up.

we both currently sat on my bed looking through all the presents i had gotten while we waited for lunch to be made for us and the rest of the family along with my grandparents who were coming over, cheryl and james' best friend michael.

"lemme check," i mutter, leaning over and sliding the stack of records over in front of me.

"damn they really got you a lot," molly mumbles under her breath.

"okay so there's bon jovi, inxs, sex pistols, mötley crüe, bruce springsteen, led zeppelin, ramones, the rolling stones, the beatles, the cars, the kinks, fleetwood mac, pink floyd the clash and what the fuck? harry styles?," i flick through each record, a very surprised expression appearing on my face when i see the one that was on the very bottom.

fucking james.

"oh my god they got you a bloody harry styles record," molly begins hysterically laughing, making me punch her shoulder.

"shut up!" i snarl.

"was matt right the morning after the concert, have you become a harry stan?" she puts on a fake shocked tone which only causes me to punch again but this time even harder.

"ow!" she squeals.

"that's what happens when you don't shut your mouth," i pretend to dust off my hands.

"whatever i need to talk to you about tonight," she giggles, slapping my knee.

"what's tonight?" i furrow curiously.

"as you may have notice i haven't given you a gift you," she starts, "so i may have pulled a few strings with christian and managed to get as each a fake id. i also may have saved enough money to go to that really massive expensive club in the city we're always talking about going to when we're eighteen, you know the one?"

the second she began talking about the club i knew she was talking about majesty, a club in the city of london, very expensive compared to most clubs which are usually either free or little money and very popular with celebrity's and rich people.

"are you serious?" i beam excitedly.

"one hundred percent!" she grins.

"no way, no way, no way!" i clap, bouncing up and down on my bed, "wait what do mum and dad think we're doing?"

"they think we're going to christian's tonight, i told matt where we're going though just in case yunno, i was gonna tell james but i realised that would be a bad idea considering how protective he is over you."

"god you're such a legend!" i exclaim, throwing my arms around my best friend.

"i know i know, anyways we'll leave about nine, it should take about half an hour on the train to get into the city, the club opens at about ten so that'll give us some time to do some wondering," the girl tells me while hugging me back, "plus we probably don't want to get there straight away 'cause the line will be massive," she adds on.

suddenly we hear my father shouting from downstairs, "dahlia, molly, lunch is ready, come downstairs!"

i flash molly one last smile before the two of us rush downstairs, hungry and excited.

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