"Downstairs. Come on," I put my hand behind her back, as if I was guiding her out of bed. "It's time for breakfast."

"Okay good. I'm starving," she joked, and then her eyes dropped to my chest. "Uh, Louis..?"

It was then I recalled that I wasn't wearing a shirt. Shit, this was awkward. I swallowed hard, trying my best to ignore the fact that I was half naked in front of her. Although, I'm pretty sure she's seen pictures of me shirtess since she's a fan and all, but it was still uncomfortable.

"Right," I crossed my arms. "I'm... going to change. I'll meet you at the table downstairs. Alright?"

She nodded. "Get dressed, carrot boy."

I smiled, heading back towards my bedroom. But, before I could make it there, I turned around to ask Mady one more question.

"Oh, and can you do me a favor and wake Harry, Liam, and Zayn?" I questioned her. "I was going to wake them up, but I ended out coming in here."

"Sure, I'll take care of it. Now, put some clothes on."

"Hey, I have pants."

"Then put a shirt on."

"Fine." I teased, causing Mady to roll her eyes jokingly.


I peered through the small gap in the door that separated the siding from the door itself, and I saw a boy with curly hair in bed; sound asleep. With that, I opened the door a little bit wider, stepping into his bedroom. I looked around me, cautiously approaching his bed. I leaned down, bending over to whisper something in the lad's ear. Sliding a few curls out of his face, I was finally able to whisper to him.

"Haz? Hazza. Wake up, Styles," I shook his shoulders, and he only rolled over to the opposite side. I sighed, growing more frustrated by the second. Now I know how Louis felt when he woke me up. "Harry. Edward. Styles. Get. Out. Of. Bed." I whacked him with a pillow, slightly irritated.

"I'm up, I'm up. Take a chill pill, brown eyes," he greeted me, already wearing that flirty smile he's known for. He reached to the side of the bed, slipping a plain shirt over his head. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute. Just let me finished getting dressed."

"Okay. I'm trusting you," I warned, slowly walking out of his bedroom.

When I was sure he was going to come downstairs, I walked over to Liam and Zayn's room. Luckily for me, they were already awake. In fact, they were propped up on their bed; having a genuine conversation. That's why I sort of felt awkward when I randomly entered the room.

"Morning, love. Sleep well?" Liam asked me, a smile curved to fit his lips. His hands were clasped together over his lap, his eyes searching for a response.

"I know she did." Zayn winked at me, the thought of how I had spent the night with Nialler echoing in his mind.

I rolled my eyes in a friendly manner. "Yeah, yeah. Just get downstairs, you two. Lou asked me to inform you about breakfast."

"Okay, we'll be down." Liam promised, already stepping out of bed. Zayn followed along, and we just ended out heading down the steps at the same time.

Niall and Louis were carrying on downstairs, and Harry was laughing as well. Zayn and I exchanged awkward glances as we continued down the stairway, eventually walking over to the table where the rest of the boys were.

"What's for breakfast?" Liam wanted to know, pulling out a chair next to Nialler to sit down in. Harry's green eyes met with Daddy Direction's brown ones.

"Lou made pancakes," Haz informed him, his eyes rolling over to Tommo. "It's one of the few things he can make."

Louis playfully punched Curly's arm. "Are you saying I'm a bad cook?" He teased.

"No, not that," Harry tried to redeem himself, but the Doncaster lad wasn't convinced. "I'm just saying you're not the best."

"Whatever," Lou gave in, taking a mouthful in of his pancake.

Niall let out a small chuckle, causing a smile to appear on my cheeks. I couldn't help but giggle over his cuteness. Zayn kind of just sat there in his own world, not paying attention to anyone or anything but himself. Though, from knowing how much boasting he does, I wasn't surprised.

"Boys. Today after breakfast we have our first interview since Mady won the contest," Harry reminded, swallowing the last trace of pancake in his mouth. "I'm really excited. But, at the same time, a little nervous."

"Don't worry, Haz. You can hold my hand if you get scared," Louis teased, treating Curly as if he were a little kid. Harry jokingly rolled his eyes and Tommo rubbed cirlces in his back.

"Very funny." Hazza said back to him, trying his best to drop the conversation. "Anyways, Mady." He turned to face me, which was really proof he didn't want to listen to Lou anymore. "Do you want to be in the interview with us, or do you want to wait backstage?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I mean, it would be awesome to bed behind the camera with you guys, but it would be really awkward at the same time. I guess I'll just wait backstage."

"Are you sure?" Niall wanted to know.

I nodded. "Yeah. And, if for some reason I change my mind, I'll let you know."

"Okay, then," Zayn finally snapped out of his thoughts. "Whenever everyone's done eating, just set your plates in the sink and we can all meet in outside. We're going to need to start driving by the next fifteen minutes."

"Alright, I'm finished with my pancake now," Liam informed him, stepping forwards to scrape the remains of the dough into the garbage and setting the dish into the sink.

It wasn't long until all of our dishes were in the sink, and we were all outside. With that, we hopped in the car; ready for my first interview.

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