02 ; sweetcheeks

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He stood there with a smirk on his face, "Who might you be, interrupting my time?"

Despite this guy being very attractive, the exhaustion kicked in causing my irritation to rise. Clearing my throat, I say sternly, "I'm your room neighbor, asking you to shut up kindly."

He chuckles, "You're my--"

"Colby!" A voice from the room sounds, "You can't just leave me here," She whines, and he pulls his bottom lip, his smirk growing.

"One sec, Shea! Someone's at the door," He says, and turns back to me, "Would you like to join?"

This offer causes a wave of heat to pass through my body, and I stammer, "P-please just-- Can you just be quieter?" My once strong confidence diminished and I was left with red cheeks and a stutter.

"Anything for you," He pauses, looking me up and down, "Sweetcheeks."

He closes the door, and a giggle from inside causes me to gag involuntarily. I try to cool myself down as I walk back into my room.

I lay on my bed and think over the encounter, I wish I would have smacked that smirk straight off of his face.

"Who's he calling, Sweetcheeks?" I mutter under my breath, "Colby is a name of a cheese, anyways. Idiot."

I thought back to those ocean blue eyes, that I looked into for a split second. They bored into mine, but sparked with mischief.

At least Colby and his friend were being quiet now. I close my eyes, and long for the sweet escape of sleep.


I thought I was met with the sweet release of sleep, but it seemed as though the man up in the sky had other plans for me.

Just as I thought my room neighbor quieted down, Shelby or whatever her name was, could not keep it down.

I could hear everything.

"Oh, Colby, Colby! Yes!" Her muffled moans came from through my walls, making me gag.

I look at my phone, and check the time: 2:08 A.M.

How the hell will I be able to get some sleep?

In an attempt to block out the noises, I put my pillow over my head. Just as I did, her moans stopped.

A sigh in relief, Jesus has blessed me. Quiet, sweet quiet. I lift the pillow off of my head in triumph, and close my eyes as a reward.

But my glory was crushed by her moans again, which were louder this time. I silently punch the air, and get up from my bed.

Might as well use this time to write a song.

I sat on my bed, pulling out my new notebook, and turned to an empty page.

What did I even want to write about? Perhaps, the way I feel. Stripped of passion, filled with exhaustion? But as I stared at the blank page more, I realized that was how I felt.




As I'm met with this bittersweet reality, I close my notebook and head towards the shared bathrooms.


Staring at my reflection, I notice the bags under my eyes. I haven't slept in so long. Sleep was almost foreign to me.

I analyze my reflection more, my dark curly hair framing my small face. I never hated how I looked, always was quite fond of my nose and my cheekbones, but I was always insecure. I craved someone to tell me I was beautiful, someone's love, attention.

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