Fymoji - (Part 2) Cuddles, Crying, & Comfort

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Why yes this is the second part of the last oneshot. Requested by @misticastle I really got into the last one, damn. Uhh here's the fluff part of the request, sorry it's shorter. Enjoy!

When they get home, Jay leads them inside and Fyrus collapses on the couch. Jay sits next to him and pulls him in his lap. "It's okay love, let it out." Jay whispers to Fyrus. The latter curled in his lap, hugging his chest. Suddenly, the dam breaks and Fyrus is sobbing into Jay's shirt. "Shh shh shh...It's okay, you're okay." Jay whispers quietly to him. Fyrus' breath is shaky and he whimpers. Jay gently weaves his hand through his hair, petting him. 

After what seems like hours, but it was about 30 minutes, Fyrus calmed down enough to steady his breathing. Jay gently taps his back in rhythm to help, hugging him tightly. He pauses for a second and buries his head in his hair. He keeps mumbling works of encouragement and love. Fyrus hums as he calms down. Jay smiles as Fyrus snuggles into him. He shifts slightly and looks down to see Fyrus asleep, curled in his lap. Jay plants a kiss on the top of his head and shifts to try and sleep himself. 


Fyrus wakes up first, looking up at Jay's peaceful sleeping face. His eyes puffy and sore from crying so much last night. He almost grimaces at the large wet spot on Jay's shirt from his tears. He lays his head back down on a dry part of his shirt. He unconsciously curls into Jay more as he drifts back to sleep. 

Only a little while later, Jay wakes up. He looks down and smiles at Fyrus sleeping on his lap. He shifts to get out of his grip and gets up to replace himself with a pillow. He wraps a blanket around Fyrus and turns to the kitchen. He gets out supplies and ingredients to make some eggs for breakfast. He shuffled through the cabinets and finds stuff for waffles. He turns on the briber and finds the waffle iron. Jay steps back, ready to make some food for him and Fyrus.

~Short Timeskip-

Fyrus wakes up to the smell of food. He brings his head up to see that he was cuddled into Jay's chest. Memories of what happened the day before flash and his mind and he hugs Jay tighter. Jay smiles at him and pets his head.

"Morning Fy. Sleep well?" Fyrus nods, his throat dry, making the hard for him to speak. "Jay hums. "Want something to eat? I made breakfast." Fyrus perks up at the sound of food. Jay takes that as a  sign and stands, helping Fyrus up too. He walks them to he table where two plates of waffles and some eggs are waiting for them. Jay pulls up a chair next to Fyrus. He whispers a quiet thank you and leans into him

The both of them eat their breakfast together and end up back on the couch. Fyrus sighs and cuddles into Jay, and they spend the rest of the weekend in each other's arms. 

Uhh yeah I had a kinda idea. I'm calling this the Valentines Day oneshot so yeah. Cya in the next one 


Splatuber Oneshots (Requests Closed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora