23% Period

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They were both confused so they called each other about it only to find out that the other knew nothing about it. Midnight watched you in the week your period went on.

His mom told him about it for him to be prepared and even packs him a bag full of pads each year untill you start. He wasn't ready. Once you started he forgot where he put the bag so you put tissue in your underwear untill he did. Then you had him get you a heat pack and chocolate.

Luckily you were at Rei's house when it started so she was prepared. She told you everything like why it was happening and Gave you some of her candy stash.

You decided to sleep In his sleeping bag with him the night before and when you woke up there was blood everywhere. You and your dad spent a couple hours trying to find out what happened until your step mom came back from grocery shopping and explained.

Present mic-
When it happened he got so scared so he called recovery girl thinking you were dying. "She's becoming a woman,Mic"
"She will stay my my baby!"

You already knew and you had pads just in case from Jirou. You decided to tell him later so he wouldn't use up his last braincell.

This boi went out and got you everything you needed. He got movies,snacks,pads,and a heat pack so his baby would feel better.

Hitoshi shinso-
His mom told him about it but he didn't really think it would happen the day after. He was in panic as he was looking for the pads and trying to calm down your anger. It was a lot for sleepy boi that he went to sleep very early.

𝙱𝚗𝚑𝚊 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜Where stories live. Discover now