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The leaves crashed against each other and the wind howled, the animals were all hiding... The world was dark and unwelcoming, the sun had set and the moon had risen, shining what little light through the thick canopy. You shuddered as the wind blew chilling air onto your exposed skin. A few tears fell from your tired eyes, you had been walking through the forest for a while now, but you were too terrified to stop.

"S-Someone help me..." Your broken voice only barely audible over the leaves and wind, you whimpered as your legs gave way to your body weight, falling to your painfully sore knees, more tears fell from your tired eyes as you shifted and leaned against a huge tree "Please..." You mumbled before your body gave in to the need to sleep, the darkness openly accept you as you accepted it, falling into a void of silent peaceful sleep.

•Time skip•

You gasped as you awoke, shaking violently. Your breathing was all over the place, as you fought to calm it you scanned around, you saw animals scurrying around and crickets chirping. You calmed your breath and huffed, holding your beating head, groaning quietly. You slowly attempted to stand, your legs buckling underneath you "I need to get home..." You mumble to yourself

You can't go home.

You jumped at the voice "W-Why not..?"

It's not safe

"What do you mean...?"

You will find out sooner or later...

And with that, the voice disappeared into the darkest depth of your brain, You huffed again and supported yourself off the side of the tree, the world spun ever so slightly.

You felt like you where being watched, you eyed around but saw nothing, you huffed and began to stagger deeper into the woods.

It had nearly been a day and a half since you made it into this god awful maze of a forest, you constantly felt like you where being watched and everywhere you where a deer was there watching you, it creeped you out...

•3 Days later•

You hadn't heard from 'The Voice' for the past 3 days, you've been surviving, you did once try to go into town, only to be chased away and attacked while being berated with horrid names. A fox often came around and sat, watching you and every day you got closer to the fox whom you named Alpine.

You were out looking for an animal to eat when you saw the familiar fox hop onto a boulder and look at you, you couldn't help but smile as it jumped away, then soon a deer wandered into eyeshot. Your head snapped into its direction and a mischevious smile curled onto your face as you crouched down, you had watched Alpine hunt often and picked up a few tricks from her.

You pulled out the knife you had stolen from your belt and held it tightly in your grip, waiting for the best moment to strike. And soon it came, the deer turned its back and began to nibble at the green grass beneath its feet, with a smirk you run and jump at it, grabbing onto its back. The deer let out a shriek as it tried to buck you off, you nearly let go but you jammed the knife into the neck of the creature and pulling it along, blood sprayed out, getting some on yourself and the animal collapsed, you stared into its eyes and for a moment you saw a flash of anger and hatred.

You blinked as the life drained from the deer "Weird..." You mumbled as you began to set up a campfire.

•A few hours later•

Sheer dumb luck || Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now