chapter 9

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A/N: sorry for not updating this in ages. I think I'm gonna start writing this with looser links to the original story. sorry if it starts to stray from the original.

Mark's P.o.V:
The sun started to settle and the game had been packed away. The human, Jack, was getting ready to leave but midnight stops him. "How about you stay for the night? I'm sure me and the fellas won't mind" she says to him. The poor guy looked a bit confused at first before he plastered a goofy smile on his face and said "okay. Sure, why not?".

That made me smile. I know I only met the guy today, and I hate humans' guts, but for some reason in the short time that I've known him for, I've begun to feel attached. Is that weird? I wasn't too sure. Oh well.

Some time had passed and the others in my pack had all headed to bed. I was sat on the couch still, jack and midnight sat either side of me minding their own business.

All of a sudden I feel a wave of dizziness wash over my whole body, and the room began to spin somewhat. I begin to stand up, saying something along the lines of "I'm gonna go get some fresh air" and almost drunkenly walk to and out of the front door.

I close the door behind me and sit down on midnight's porch. I take a moment to breathe, hearing the rustling of the leaves on the trees. It was somewhat soothing. At least, it was.

My ears perked at the sound of a twig snapping and when looking in the direction the sound came from I  see movement coming from something, or someone. Feeling okay enough to stand up without a new wave of dizziness I delve into the trees to find out what it was that I saw.

After a couple minutes of wandering almost aimlessly through the woods I get a foul whiff of a putrid smell and gag almost immediately as I smelled it. It made me want to puke badly. I cover my mouth and nose with the collar of my shirt and continue to walk into the somewhat familiar unknown.

I'm not sure how to describe the smell, but to put it plainly, it smelled almost like a burning corpse.

Eventually I arrived in an area I wish I could truly forget. It was the clearing in which my pack was attacked. A bonfire had been built, and I could see the disgusting hunters dragging the bodies of my deceased werewolf pack towards it before carelessly throwing them into the flames.

I start to feel incredibly sick to my stomach as I recognize one of the bodies as being my old friend Wade's. Another one being my fiancé (not sure who, the original writer included this and I shall too cause plot). Almost throwing up then and there I look back at the pile, my body beginning to feel fuzzy and numb all over.

Tears begin to roll down my face as I flee from the area, resisting the urge to vomit. I pick up speed and the tears begin to fly behind me. Running so quickly my surroundings began to blur, I almost run straight through the wall of midnight's house, just barely managing to stop myself, skidding to a halt on her porch. I lean over the edge and puke my stomach up. Once it was over I sit on her porch and cry.

The door behind me opens. I could hear it do so, but I didn't want to know who it was so I didn't look to see. Instead I buried my face into my knees and continued to cry like a baby. I feel whoever is behind me put a hand on my back, and from instinct I looked behind me to see that it was Felix.

Word count: 625 words.

alpha - re-write and following of SweetNightmare01's storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя