Chapter 2

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  Marks P.o.V:

 I had started to pace back and forth in the cramped storage room of the factory, thinking..  

"Mark? What are you doing?" Felix asks before grabbing my shoulder to stop me from pacing anymore.

 I answer him.  "thinking." I say, looking over in his direction.

"about what?" Felix asks.

"How much I hate humans."

"They're not all bad, Mark.."

"They're all idiots!" I practically yell. Felix backs away from me cautiously, understanding that it's not ideal to anger me any more than I already have been. I continue my rant. "I don't care that 'they're not all bad'. they refuse to accept that we're more than animals! Every human we've ever met all think we're just stupid animals!" I sigh, taking a moment to breathe and think for a moment. "Tell me you have met one that respects that your more than just an animal. y'know what? screw that. Prove to me that you've met a human that  doesn't think you're an animal. Then I wont completely hate the human race. until then, I hate all of them." I state, despising all humans.

I leave the room angrily. None of the others bother trying to stop me since they all know i'm their alpha. But even then, I know that if I wasn't, they would have all tried to stop me. I lay down onto a small makeshift bed, thinking about everything that had happened today.

I quietly mumble to myself. "we're used to two or three hunters, But never that many..." I sigh softly. "it's clear that they were trying to kill all of us, but knowing there's only five of us left they must've given up for now... I hope that's the case. They're probably boasting about how they've almost killed a whole pack by now..." I snarl, before sighing. It's been such a long day...

My stomach growls loudly for food, but I'm too tired to even get up. I'll just hunt early tomorrow, I guess... I look out of the broken window, up at the sky. The sun was already setting, the stars and the moon, shining above us. Bob hesitantly walks into the room and sits down beside the bed.

"we've left some food for you... in the other room." he says, looking out of the window, much like I had moments before.

"you four can have it. I'll just hunt tomorrow morning when I wake up." I say to him, getting out of my bed and looming over the windowsill, to get a better view at the beautiful setting sky.

"are you sure, mark?"

"I'm sure, Bob. Just... I want to be left alone right now." I say, sighing afterwards. I look over at him. He nods, agreeing.

He stands up. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mark" He walks out of the room, telling the others that they can share the food that's left. Meanwhile, I leap out of the window, climbing up onto the roof of the building. I lay there, looking up towards the sky. My mind was clouded with thoughts of my dead pack members. I eventually fall asleep on the roof, thinking. I am responsible for my pack... I will have my revenge on those hunters... we will have to bury the dead as soon as possible... Soon..

word count: 548 words

alpha - re-write and following of SweetNightmare01's storyWhere stories live. Discover now