Chapter 5

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Jacks P.o.V:

"yeah, sure Midnight. I'd love to go hunting with you." I smile.

Midnight passes her spare bow and a quiver full of arrows to me. I giggle slightly, feeling like someone from the past that was about to go hunting. Midnight had already taught me how to use the bow a while ago, so all I need to do is remember what she had taught me.

"you go south, I'll head in a different direction so we're both more likely to get something" midnight states, smiling as she picks up her own bow and quiver of arrows. I nod in agreement and leave her house, heading south. Before I leave fully, I look behind me to see if she was going to leave through the same door. I notice her looking –seemingly watching- at something that I couldn't quite see from where I was. I shrug and turn back to south, wandering into the depths of the woods. I crept around quietly to make sure I didn't scare off any possible prey.

Mark's P.o.V:

I wake up at what I'm guessing is about 8 AM. I open my eyes, just to have the sun's glare hurt them. I quickly look away, groaning in annoyance as I stand up. My starved stomach roars loudly, reminding me that I have to hunt. I make my way inside the factory and into the main room to talk to the others before I leave.

As I walk into the room, I'm greeted by Bob. "Mark!"

"what?" I ask, staring at him with my still tired eyes.

"we should go to Midnight..."

"the rogue? Why?"

"she has food. She has shelter. Not to mention how her house has heating and windows that aren't broken. We need Midnights help, Mark..."

Mark contemplates his answer before delivering it. "Fine. I'll go and see her whilst I'm out hunting. Anything else?"

The four other males in the room shakes their heads 'no'. With that, I leave the old factory to go hunt, and to talk to Midnight about letting us stay with her.

I walk into the woods, being quiet and cautious. As I move further from the shelter I turn to my wolf form before heading even further.

After a while of searching, I find a deer. I stop walking before lowering myself into a crouch. As I go to run at the deer, something else hits it side and my prey falls to the floor. I notice that the 'something' was an arrow that was launched at the deer. I stay still as I see a person walk into view. Whilst I was tempted to take the deer, I was put off from taking it, since it wasn't my kill. I look over at the person who hunted it.

It was a male in his young twenties. He has an average hair-cut, though the colour was unnatural. The back and sides were brown, likely his natural hair colour, but the top of his hair was a bright, neon green. He had a slight beard growing. Huh. He looked pretty handsome actually. The man was armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows, and he seems to be quite accurate with them too. He's almost as good as Midnight...

I slowly start to back away, but mentally curse myself as I stand and snap a twig on accident. Well isn't this great... the man quickly turns in my direction, an arrow nocked and the string pulled back, ready to launch. I stop moving almost entirely as the arrow was pointed directly at me. I'm still in wolf form, so I just look like an abnormally large, black wolf. I have a streak of red from the top of my head, going down my spine, though that didn't worry me much. What worried me more was that this man was all the way-out here, so far away from the city...

word count: 651 words

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