Lincoln: it's fine Lisa nobody's perfect and apology accepted smiles and hugs her in comfort

Lisa still looks down, confused by Lincoln's cheerful spirit. But, she held out her arms and went to hug him back. She felt so many different emotions, but she knew for sure that she shared one emotion with Lincoln again. Sibling love.

Lincoln: the only people I hate is the rest of the family except for Luna Lana Lucy and Leni and also Lily

Lisa: Well... what about the lady next to you?

Leanne: I'm Lincoln's new guardian, Leanne. Pleasure to meet you.

Leanne held out her hand for Lisa to shake, which Lisa accepted.

Lincoln: well Lisa you ready to go to get Lily next

Lisa: Yeah, I'm ready to go. Just sign the papers to release me from here.

Leanne: Don't worry, I'll do that.

The trio went back to the counter where the lady was before She handed them the papers and a pen to sign, which Leanne did. After that, she took the papers back.

Woman: Thank you. Lisa Loud is free to go now.

Lincoln: thank you ma'am

they leave juvenile

They hopped in the car, with Leanne and Lincoln in the front while Lisa was in the back.

Leanne: Let's go get Lily now.

Lincoln: Okay

Leanne then drives off towards the Royal Woods Foster Home in hopes of finding Lily.

An hour later they finally made to the Royal Woods foster home for Orphans

Leanne: This should be where Lily is at.

Lisa: Let's go and find her.

Lincoln: Okay

They all went in the foster home

They walked towards a different front desk where there was a different young lady at. She had a cheerful smile on her face and some papers by her side.

Lincoln: hello kind ma'am we're here to see Lily loud

Woman: Lily Loud? Are you related to her?

Lincoln: yes 

Woman: Ah okay then! Follow me!

The trio follow the lady

They headed towards a room.

It was filled with so many cute little children

The trio awwed as they had set their eyes on one cute baby girl with a purple dress and buck teeth. She was playing with a stuffed bunny rabbit.

Lincoln: Lily is that you

The girl looks up to see Lincoln, though she didn't know him that well.

Lily: huh

Lincoln: hi lily remember me

She shook her head no

Lincoln: my name is Lincoln loud your brother

Lily: Wincoln....?

Lincoln: yes Lily it's me

Lily gets up and runs towards Lincoln before hugging him

Lily: Yay!

Lincoln hugs her back easily enough to not to crush her

The other two then went up and gently hugged her as well.

Lincoln: we came here to pick you up Lily to take you home with us you ready

Lily: Where is home at?

Lincoln: you'll see it's a surprise

Lily: Okay!!

Leanne: Do I need to sign any papers for her?

Woman: Just a couple.

Lincoln: we will wait at the car Leanne so take your time

Leanne: Alright then. Go on.

The trio went outside to wait in the car

Leanne went and signed the papers needed to adopt Lily.

Lady: there you go she's all yours have a nice day ma'am

Leanne: Thank you ma'am.

Lady: you're welcome

Leanne then left the building and went towards the car.

They been drove back home while Lily had her eyes closed for her special surprise

Soon enough, they arrived at the mansion, with Leanna parking in the garage.

They all went outside in the front yard while Lincoln had his hands on Lily's Eyes

Lincoln: 1..2....3

Lincoln takes his hands off her eye

Lily opens her eyes to see the mansion

Lily: looked amazed  Wow.... it's so big!

Lincoln: what do you think

Lily: Yay! It looks good!

Lincoln: want to go inside

Lily: Yeah! Let's go inside!

The group goes back inside to see all the girls together again watching TV

Lily: Hello!

Lily waves at them, getting everyone's attention.

Luna: Lily is that you

Lily: yeah hello!

everyone went to give her a warm hug.

Lisa: you forgot me.

The others went and hugged Lisa

Lisa hugged them back

After that, they all broke the warm embrace.

Braelynn: Let's throw a party dudes!

Sonya: yeah let's do it

Audra: yeah we are going to rock this world

The others cheered as they all began to throw a party for each other, in honor of getting their sisters back and making the family even bigger.

(END Chapter 6 part 2 hello everyone jacob5395 here shout out to Lionsnation32 for the help and leave a follow and comment for him and chapter 7 will be here sooner or later this is jacob5395 sighing off)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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