The Challenges-Part 3-Part 2

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My character is the blue guy, the feminine one is Aidan

Aidan POV


"IDK, you are single and you seem to want a girlfriend because every time I come into your room in the middle of the night to get snacks, you are always sleep talking and hugging your pillow. You really are a pervert." Garchomp roared in amusement.

"Let's just figure out what the noise is and leave this cave already!" I really hate Garchomp's teasing.

"Lets not." Garchomp replied.

"How about we find a ship for Thomas, that would be fun."

"You mean hard. He doesn't seem like the girlfriend type."

"Your right, but it would be fun to try."

"Who would make Thomas a good girlfriend, let's think. Maybe..." Garchomp was interrupted when an extremely strong sonic boom came from one of the caves. "We will finish this later, for now we have to hurry."

More attacks came and we somehow managed to dodge them all. "Look," I said, "Glowing stones just like Thomas described, hurry. Use quick attack to hurry to the stand!"

Many bat Pokemon then rushed and formed a wall in front of the stones. "We have to find a way through. GO, USE GIGA IMPACT!" Garchomp attempted to use giga impact on the bats, but there were so many that it was impossible. "Retreat," I yelled.

Garchomp and I flew off and hid behind a rock spire. Once we were thoroughly hidden, I said, "Ok, we don't have much time before they find us, we have to make a plan quickly. First let's look around and find a way to move around silently."

"Found it." Garchomp said.

"HOW DID YOU FIND IT SO FAST!" I yelled. That was a mistake.

"Get on my back and you'll see, we don't have much time so hurry your sorry a$$."

"Ok, and language!"


I got on Garchomp's back and he flew up, then he started using quick attack between the spires to speed past the bats without them noticing. Once we were half-way to the platform, what I suppose was a mega crobat saw us and shrieked. "Hurry! We have to go faster!" Suddenly something strange happened. Some of my aura slipped into Garchomp and he started to go at ridiculous speeds. "WHAT IS HAPPENING," I yelled, "YOU CAN'T LEARN EXTREME SPEED, THIS IS UNNATURAL!"

"THEN WHAT AM I DOING," he yelled back.

Well F*ck it then.



I really want to tell Serena that I like her but she seems to be in a bad mood for some reason (A/N Read our previous chapter!). I am afraid of her saying something bad and leaving the group because of it.

"Serena I like-" I started.


Ok, that went bad...

"Please Sere, just li-"



"I'm sorry for whate-- OW!!"

A red handprint appeared on my right cheek, as she had slapped it really hard.

"Urgh! I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!" she said as she slugged me in the stomach. I flew a couple feet and then crashed onto the ground. Then the world went black.

When I woke up, I saw Serena about 10 ft away from me, her eyes red from crying. I walked up to her and said, "Serena, before I was very rudely interrupted, I was going to say that I-- you know what?" I kissed her. When I pulled away she said, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend you dense airhead."

Aidan POV

It took us a while but we finally got to the pedestal. Somehow the bats seem to be flying around us but not attacking. I wonder if the stones lining the path have something to do with it. Oh well. I walked up to the pedestal and saw 2 stones plus a glove. I flipped the glove over and saw something Thomas and I didn't notice were on the Aura Mega gloves. A Z-Crystal holder! There were words under the slot that said 'Only for those who have the power of will' I put my key stone in the glove along with the other two stones. I still wonder what the Z-Slot will be used for... Well time to do what Thomas did and escape from this place, "Garchomp, AURA MEGA EVOLVE!!!" Garchomp suddenly was encased by a huge blue light. As it disappeared, Garchomp grew purple spikes, its wings turned black, and everything grey turned black, and everything else turned purple. It doubled in size, roaring with might. It grew its tail, and there was a red and purple rose tattoo on its arm. Its claws were covered in purple poison, and they were glow in the dark and retractable. Ice coated its spikes and fire, like Mega Charizard X, burned out of its mouth. "GARCHOMP, USE GLACIATE!!" Garchomp spewed out wave after wave of ice on the ground, knocking out all the Mega Crobats and Swoobats.

I made my way back to Thomas. He seemed calm and focused. Then I realized he was right next to the Mega bats and I rushed to him. "Watch out, the bats will attack you!" I yelled. He looked at me and I realized his eyes were blue, not his normal blue, but bright glowing blue. He was using aura. "What's going on, and why are there Mega bats next to..." I looked at them and their eyes were also blue.

"I am doing a little research to help professor Sycamore on his mega evolution research. We have been staying in touch and I informed him on my discoveries on aura evolution and how it only seemed to be in Alolan folklore. He seemed quite interested in the topic so he made me his research assistant. I also told him about some interesting findings about a unique legend. It tells that long ago, when the world was ruled by 1 deity, Giaxoron, I translated the name through my ancient language knowledge, the world was entirely chaos. There were no people or Pokemon to be seen, but one day, out of the chaos, 2 heros emerged with the first two Pokemon, Whalesharkion and Galaxion which have power on par to Arceus currently. These heroes were said to have faced Giaxoron and narrowly won after merging with some unknown force. Giaxoron then swore that he would come to take back his power and his throne. The two heroes at first didn't care and believe what was said and created the dimension we call home, leaving the chaos world behind. They crafted more humans and Pokemon. Later in life when the heros and Pokemon had children, they started to fear for the safety of their descendants. The heroes sealed Whalesharkion, Galaxion, with both of their eldest children, Balugion and Univeon. After this was completed, the two heroes made most of their life, then disappeared 10 years after. No one has ever heard anything relating the wondrous Pokemon since." 'That story gets better every time I hear it.'


To be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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