Chapter 2

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Cheryl's POV

5:20pm, Saturday

Cheryl🍒: Just thought I should let you all know the app just gave me the a notification for a message😐

Betty🔎: Told you it wouldn't take long


Cheryl🍒: Yeah I don't think that's gonna happen...not after the last message

Veronica🛍: Why not??

Kevin🌈: Bitch what was in that message????

Betty🔎: ^^^

Cheryl🍒: Two things

Cheryl🍒: Number 1) It was a guy that messaged me even though my bio says for them to not 😦

Cheryl🍒: Number 2) He sent a dick pick instantly and I wanted to throw up 🤢

Kevin🌈: omg can I see???

Cheryl🍒: OMG KEV

Kevin🌈: jk don't worry

Veronica🛍: You are the definition of lesbianism Cheryl 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Cheryl🍒: Thank you 💜

Veronica🛍: Anytime hot stuff😚

Cheryl🍒: Thanks sexy ;)

Cheryl🍒: Better stop flirting with me

Veronica🛍: Not a chance in hell

Cheryl🍒: or else...

Veronica🛍: or else what???

Cheryl🍒: or else Archie might box me like he boxed that bear😂

Veronica🛍: oh right Archie...forgot about him for a hot sec

Veronica🛍: well it's lucky we are just friends 😚

Cheryl🍒: true true

Kevin🌈: I am...deceased

Kevin🌈: You two fake flirting is some quality entertainment

Kevin🌈: Also Veronica I know you're like totally straight and everything...but you would crush it as a lesbian!!!

Cheryl🍒: ^^^

Cheryl🍒: Join the dark side hehehe

Veronica🛍: Who said I'm straight??

Cheryl🍒: DAMN 😮😮😮

Kevin🌈: ummmmm...eXcUSe mE???

Veronica🛍: Oh yeah I'm like super bi. Did I not say I had a few girlfriends back in New York?

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