SCP 999,SCP 048 and SCP 035

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Thanks to FNAF2013 for the suggestion.

Thurd POV

The doors open and the group left the lift.

Black:Now were are we?

Bryan:I don't now

Suddenly a orange slime grabbed Bryan.



Suddenly the slime wrapped itself around everyone.


Bryan:Stop please

The slime then let's the group go with some of them still giggling.

Bryan:So meet SCP 999 also known as the tickle monster

Kay:Is it safe?

Bryan:Yep 100% safe

Mario:That's good

Bryan:Yeah but it can't speake


Bryan:But it has been tested with people with depression and it help them fully

Kay:That's so cool!

Mario:Why couldn't I've been tested with it

Bryan:I don't know...but it would of been safer if we did use you since if it was dangerous our personal wouldn't die

Mario:So were to next?

Bryan:Well to the lift of course

Black:Yeah master is right we should go to the next floor

Zylo:Can we take SCP 999 with us


Zylo:Why not?!

Bryan:You didn't let CG come so why should I let SCP 999 come with us

Zylo:I let that stupid dog come with us

Bryan:Don't you dare call Black a 'stupid dog' he could kill you in a second

Zylo:Ha do you re-

???:Hello their Bryan

Bryan:Why are you out?!

???:Because I was looking for the infected one here

Bryan:Well you know I'm not infected

???:Yeah I know but that fat bear is infected

Bryan:Well you can have him


The orange slime slithered over to the unknown figure.

???:Hey again are you

The figure pulled out some candy and tosses it at the slime.

Bryan:So Plague doctor do you know were the lift is?

PD:Yeah but I want a favour from you

Bryan:And that is?

PD:Let me into SCP 035 room


PD:I know they made one of my cured infected wear the mask

Bryan:Wait but I thought that was cancelled

PD:And it was the cute one~

Bryan:So the first one?


Bryan:Fine but you got to do me a favour after


Bryan:Zylo and Kay stay here and take care of SCP 999


Bryan and the others walk to the container that was 'SCP 035'.

PD:Ok Bryan opened the door

Bryan:Well you are going to care of him

PD:Yeah...Yeah I know

Bryan swiped the card and the door opens. The group walk in to see a man in the corner of the room sobbing.

PD:Hey I'm here for you~

The man turned around and stood up. He walked up to us then shot Black. Black fell to the floor with a massive thud.


PD:I cannot save you but I can help you

PD walked up to the man and pulled out a surgical knife from his pouch then charges at him. He slashes at man who starts to fire the gun. PD dogged ever bullet fired at him. He then pulled out a syringe and through the knife at the other.


PD then stabbed the syringe into the man.

Bryan:What did you do?

PD:I just killed him

Bryan:It's ok

PD:I know I did it for his own well been

Bryan:Now SCP 035...what to do with it?

PD then picked it up and snapped it.

PD:I did say I'd help it

Bryan:Well that's fine but just incase could you put it back into its container


After PD put broken mask back he went over to Black. He then pulled out some bandages from his bag and wrapped up Black's wound.


PD:I'm a doctor so a simple wound like this is easy to heal

Mario:Should we go back to the others


The group head back to the others and join up.

PD:So what do you want me to do Bryan?

Bryan:Can you come with us since the next few floors are well dangerous


Bryan:Fine it can come as well

PD:Well let's go

They all follow the doctor to the lift and head to the next floor.

SCP-Bryan 《Complete》Where stories live. Discover now