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Mario POV

Bryan was pasted on the couch I grabbed a blanket and put it over him.

Zylo:I wonder what happened to him

Kay:Well we should ask him when he wakes up


A couple of hours past and I hear a slight rustling from behind me.

Bryan:Ugh~ what happened?

I walk over to Bryan and hugged him.

Bryan:Mario you ok?

Mario:Don't scare me like that again

Bryan wrapped his arms around me.

Bryan: Sorry

Zylo:Ok guys let's go to floor 70

Bryan:But what happened?

Mario:Well you passed out for no reason

Bryan:And how did I get here?

Mario:Well I carried you here

I see Bryan face turn slightly pink.

Mario:You ok their?



I let go of Bryan and help him up.
We go to the lift and head to floor 70.

The doors open and we look around it was full of rooms that were collapsed in.

Bryan:What do we even need?

Zylo:A pill to turn me back

Bryan POV

But does he realise that he can't digest anything?
Well i'll let him find out this is going to be funny.

Mario POV

I see Bryan smirking for some reason but take no notice of it.
We arrived at and SCP holding room.
The sign said:
SCP-Cybergirl (CG)
We walked in and see a little girl.

Kay:Hey their little girl

CG:Are you going to play with me?


Zylo:WHAT?! what about my pills?!

Bryan:Come on only for a bit please~

Bryan gives Zylo puppy eyes but Zylo just walks out.

CG:Does he not want to play~

Bryan:Seems like he doesn't but why don't you ask the others

Bryan pointed at me and Kay.


She comes close then Kay bolts out of the room.

CG:Do you want to play sir?


I pick up the girl and put her on my shoulders.

Bryan:Never thought you'll be a dad

CG giggles as I started to turn to a light pink.

Mario:Shut it Bryan or next time you pass out i'll drag you

Bryan:You wouldn't do that~

Bryan smirked and I swore I saw a tail.

CG:Look mister you have a tail!

Bryan turned around and his tail started to sway.

Bryan:Yep that's a tail!?

Mario:Bryan what happened?!

Bryan:I don't know?!

CG:Can I touch it?


Bryan then takes off his lab coat to reveal WINGS?!
But they were scared up a bit.

Bryan then takes off his lab coat to reveal WINGS?!But they were scared up a bit

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

CG:EEE you even got wings, so cool!


Mario:Calm down Bryan they actually look cute on you~

Bryan then turned a bright red while I started to blush realising what I just said.

Bryan:Thank Mario

CG:Can you fly?!

Bryan:I don't no

CG:Well flap the wings and see if you float

Bryan slowly flaps his wings and floats.

CG:Aah! So cool but what's up with the cuts?

Bryan then passed out.


Bryan POV

After my wings showed I felt incredible pain I don't know what from but then CG said:

CG:Aah! So cool but what's up with the cuts?

A sudden dizziness took over me.

I wake up in a black room and HE was there.

Demon:You finally woke up

Bryan:What do you want Demon

Demon:Just to tell you that you'll have to stay in your demon form for awhile

Bryan:But why?

Demon:Well because you loosing power quickly~

Bryan:Tell me the real reason since I now I can keep my human form up for decades on end


Suddenly light surrounded us and I feel a large amount of warmth around me.

SCP-Bryan 《Complete》Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin