"So that makes it better?"

"It's going to hurt because of who you are and how big your heart is, but maybe it is better. You had moved on, you were living your life the best you could and he showed up. He was going to keep terrorizing you—it was never going to end."

"So I killed him."

"But you didn't set out to kill anyone. You are the innocent in this—you're the victim."

Charlotte knew he was right, but her heart was having a hard time catching up with her head. She'd cared for Mickey at one point, she'd shared his bed and allowed him to reach intimate parts of her. He'd treated her like a nuisance, but she'd cared for him at a stage in her life. She didn't wish him any ill will—no matter how bad he'd treated her.

"Hunter, I don't want you to think—because I don't—you're..."

"You cared for him, you'd never be with someone you didn't, but it's nothing like us. I know that. When I look into your eyes I see so many things, and I know you've never opened up the way you do with me. I don't question anything between us anymore."

"You did before?"

"Of course I did. So did you. We questioned it because we weren't used to this feeling. We weren't prepared to admit we'd found it."

"Forever." She nodded.

"Forever," he agreed. "And I know you felt it as much as I did, but I also know why you didn't say anything. As well as you can read me, I can also read you. But know that you can tell me anything."

"Okay." She nodded. "I'm still mad at you."

"You have a right to be. If you never truly got over it I'd understand. I know now that not telling you I was married made you go against everything you believe in by sleeping with me. I just—it was one of those moments where I couldn't breathe. I was completely paralyzed thinking about you falling for someone else."

"Not for that. I understand why you did it. And I wasn't falling—I entertained the thought, but ultimately I knew it was always you."

"Then why?"

"That night at the bar."

"Which one?"

"The one where you ignored me and left me sitting alone babysitting my drink. It was so embarrassing and lonely. And when I came to you—you completely ignited me in front of everyone. I'd never felt so alone until Ivory came to talk to me. Even she saw how miserable I was and I didn't seem to matter to you at the time."

"I'm sorry for that. It did matter. I was watching you the entire night. There was this mirror I could look at from where I was sitting that gave me a clear view of your booth. I had to make sure no one was bothering you." He laughed.

"People were talking around me, but I felt lonely as well. I just wanted you to tell me what was on your mind, but I knew you wouldn't. I was just being an ass. We shared this incredible moment and I could see you shutting down. It was easier to shut down first to try and dull the pain."

"I only shut down because when I saw you smile at me I realized I was in love. It scared me to feel that so soon."

"But I felt the exact same way."

"You hadn't said it."

"So I was just as much afraid of freaking you out as you were me."

"It can be scary, not knowing if someone you've given your entire heart to even wants it."

"I want everything you have to give."

"I'm not always sweet."

"You're a brat. I've always known that."

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