Warm Welcome

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The trip to Reskar was uneventful, which Jim was thankful for. If they had encountered some alien probe demanding their presence or accusing them of war crimes, Jim would have lost it. And it honestly wasn't that much of a stretch in probability to consider; stranger things had happened before. Regardless, they were now in orbit around the planet, and Jim, Spock, Bones, and Uhura were seated in the conference room, receiving their final briefing from Admiral Sharn.

"I trust that you all read and memorized Ambassador Silar's notes on the proper etiquette of the Reskarian culture," the admiral stated, fixing Jim with a pointed stare. Jim resisted the strong urge to roll his eyes and merely nodded in response. He knew his crew had obeyed his instructions, in fact, he was fairly certain that both Spock and Uhura had had the information memorized days ago.

"Good. This trade agreement is of vital importance to the Federation. With a secure foothold here, we will be able to halt imperial expansion from encroaching on Federation territory." Again, Jim nodded. The admiral had told him as much the first time they had spoken. "Captain Kirk, you are the only one authorized to sign the agreement in the name of the Federation. Should you be incapacitated in some way, that authorization will fall to your First Officer and then your Chief Engineer. Should anyone else sign it, the agreement will be void."

"Understood, Admiral, although we shouldn't have that problem," Jim replied, carefully crossing his fingers under the table as he spoke. Typically, he wasn't a believer in things like karma and jinxes, but it was best not to take any chances. Over the past few years he had come to learn that the universe had a twisted sense of humor.

"I should hope not. You have been given a copy of the arrangement that was drafted a month ago by the Reskarians and Ambassador Silas. You are authorized to approve any alternative agreement that is within a seven percent margin of the original. The signing is to take place at 8:00 planet-time tomorrow morning, but Ambassador Silas believes that your landing party should beam down this evening to establish contact. While you're on the planet's surface, restrict your calls to the Enterprise to emergency only, and instruct your crew to do the same. The Reskarians must feel like you are giving this agreement your full attention. Good luck, Captain." The admiral nodded once, and then the screen turned black.

Jim turned to his friends. "Uhura, inform the Reskarian ambassador that you spoke with earlier that we would like to beam down a small party this evening if they are willing to host us. If they agree, tell them we will beam down at 18:00 planet-side time," he instructed.

"Yes, Captain."

"Bones, make sure you have the equipment you need to treat any minor allergic reactions. Silas's notes said that Reskarian food is safe for humans, but I want to be prepared just in case."

"Do you really think I'd leave without it, Jim?" Bones asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're allergic to just about everything in our world, and I wouldn't be surprised if that applied to Reskar as well."

Jim laughed and clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Thanks, Bones." Then he turned to Spock, who was still staring at the black screen, clearly thinking about something. "Spock?" The Vulcan turned to him, one eyebrow raised.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Go with Uhura and make sure that Scotty knows that our communications will be limited while we are on the planet's surface. Tell him that we'll contact him when we're ready to beam up but otherwise, we'll stay quiet." Jim turned to Uhura and Bones. "Meet at the transporter in formal wear at 17:55." The three of them nodded, and Jim dismissed them.

Once he was alone in the room, he gave in to the urge to bury his head in his hands. He hadn't even stepped onto the planet yet and he already had a headache. When this was over, Admiral Sharn would owe him a favor.

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