Season 1 Episode 1: Rising Hopper

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Overwatch was what the world want. A group of people with a bravery to save the world from evil. Overwatch was the best. But Black watch kill one of a terrorist leader from Talon and the public was mad.

Riot broke out as the public thought Overwatch is getting corruption and the people are losing hope on them. Overwatch main HQ was distroyed and Overwatch was shut down for ever.

Without Overwatch crimes broke out and many people are suffering with these crimes out there. With out Overwatch....there are no hero's out there no more.

But one boy will change things. A boy will be the one that bring Overwatch back, the boy that will save the world, the boy that will proof to the world that there is hope and show that Overwatch is the best idea everyone can have.

Who is this boy you may ask? His name is Y/n L/n also know as....kamen rider Zero One.


In a small town near the mountains We see Y/n L/n in his class just day dreaming until the teacher turn to him.

Male Teacher: Mr L/n are you there?

Y/n snap out his day dreaming and look at his teacher.

Y/n: Yes sire.

Male teacher: Right. As yous all know this is your last day of school until the summer holidays. Remember the world around you his cruel so remember that.

The Bell ring and everyone pack there begs and headed out. Y/n exit out of the school and look around.

Y/n:  (thought) summer holidays. Gest I head home.

Y/n put on his earphones and play his music while he walk home.

(Music play)

(Music ends)

Once home Y/n lift off his earphones and open his door and close it behind him. He walk up and stairs and into his bed room. He throw his bag on the beg and sat on his deck with a computer facing him.

The type in something and watch some videos for a while until he turn to his window.

Y/n: (thought) Big bro....why?


???: I won't be gone little bro. I've made something for the future of Overwatch.

Y/n: But will you come back?

???: (smile) Don't worry bro. I won't be long.

(End Flashback)

Y/n look at a picture of his young self and his older brother with brown hair.

Y/n: Overwatch is gone bro. Where are you?

Y/n place the picture on his desk and look through his window and see the mountains.

Y/n: (thought) Maybe I go on a hike just to clear my mind.

Y/n got out of his desk and gather some things and exit out of his house.

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