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play song at top*
"o o i like this song." i say.
"cool cool."
i put my arms around andrew and i could feel his hands slowly wrapping around my waist.
he seemed nervous.
he was let's see... 5'9-ish?
"so... you know mattia?" i ask.
"yes and no. i used to be friends with him in middle school but once high school started we drifted and went our own ways." he responds.
"really? same here."
"wow. crazy huh?"
i rested my head on his shoulder, slowly dancing.
i was tired. my feet hurt from being in these shoes that i wasn't used to wearing for such a long time, and my eyes felt heavy.
"you good?" andrew asks.
i didn't know this andrew kid, he just sort of came up to me and boom...here i was dancing with him...slow dancing. it was nice though. felt as if i had someone else to hold onto.
he smelt so good. his cologne ahh.
i giggled.
"whats so funny venus huh?"
"nothing...nothing? you sure about that?"
"yeah just thought of something."
"what was that?"
"mhhh nothing."
"uh huh ok then venus."
"dream girl." i say.
"...you keep leaving."
"it's all i'm seeing..."
"you're my dream girl..." andrew sings.
"you know this song?"
"what artists you listen to?" i ask.
"i listen to frank ocean, cuco, tyler the creator, jackboys, don toliver...it's a mix."
"ah ok."
i could feel my legs getting weaker.
"i'm sorry but i can't."
"can't what? hey are you sure you're ok?"
"i'm just tired, that's all."
"come here."
"just come."
he took my hand, heading out to the front door.
"where are we going andrew."
kairi has a sitting area outside. it was a nice one.
"sit right here."
andrew sat down patting the spot next to him.
"better?" he asked.
it was silent for a while, the sound of people yelling and having fun, drinking, having the time of their lives. people outside talking or just sitting out in the front.
"it's kind of cold." i say.
"yeah. you want to use my hoodie?" andrew asks.
"no i'm good."
"are you sure, i have one in my car. i can go get it."
"no it's fine, really." i say.
he gets up.
"andrew i said it's fine."
"i'm up anyways."
i get up and go back inside to get some water, and that's when i see mattia in the kitchen as well.
i grab a plastic red cup and fill it up.
i ignored the calls.
mattia grabbed my arm. he didn't look to good himself either.
"babe." he said crying.
"stop it mattia. i'm no-not your-." he cut me off pulling me closer to him.
i pushes myself back.
"mattia no..."
on the corner of my eye i could see cynthia looking at us.
"i gotta go."
"babe wait!"
ugh cynthia has eyes on us. she's not liking what she just saw for sure.
i close the tap and and walk back outside.
"where were you?"
andrew looks down and sees my cup.
"is that more a-."
"water andrew...water."
"oh my bad."
in andrews hand he has a hoodie, black with neon lettering.
"thank you so much." i say smiling at him.
"cute." he says.
"huh?" i ask.
" oh nothing."
i put it on, sitting next to him resting my head on his shoulder.
"look at the stars."
"it's pretty up there huh." i say.
"yup. sure is." andrew says.
i could feel and see tears coming down his eyes.
"yes venus?"
"what's up? are you ok?"
he sniffs. "yes."
"look at me."
"no i'm fine."
"andrew look at me."
i turn his head, his eyes watery. i hug him.
"andrew...whats wrong tell me."
"mh n-not-nothing. d-don't wo-worry. it's o-ok."
"no it's not."
he hugs me back even tighter.
"i'm sorry, i don't even know you that well venus but i mean it's not really a secret either."
he says.
"what?" i ask.
i scoot about two inches back having andrew lay his head on my lap. i start playing with his hair, his soft hair.
"my mom..." he paused tearing up more.
he didn't have to finish his sentence, i already knew what.
"aww baby...come here."
he stood straight up and leaned in for a hug.
"venus i miss her so fucking much it hurts me everyday."
i hug him even tighter.
"let's go inside and lay down, yeah?" i ask.
he nodds.
i take his hand leading him to the guest bedroom. it was locked of course but i had come to kairis house a couple times before and knew where the key was. it was locked because kairis mom didn't want the boys staying for a while since they had broken the glass door in there but that didn't keep them from staying at his place.
"go go." i say.
andrew slams into the bed, sobbing and hugging a pillow.
i join, huggin him from the front, playing with his hair, his head on my chest.
"there there shhh." i say.
"th-hanks." he says.
"it's fine."
i could feel myself getting sleepy.
"you're cute you know that andrew."
"you're cute."
"oh um thanks."
"you know mattia and cynthia aren't goi-." i pause controlling what i'm saying realizing WHAT i'm saying. shit.
"i think i'm going to sleep." he says.
"that's fine."
he puts his hand out and i start playing with it.

"he puts his hand out and i start playing with it

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12 minutes later*
he didn't respond. he was asleep. i felt so bad for him. he had lost someone who he probably looked up to most of the time, i'm not sure but i felt bad. i was sad too. and mattia coming up to me? he was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing.
the music seemed to get louder and louder with every song which was getting annoying by now.


it's legit 2:39 rn and i'm tired asf 🙈 n e ways ty so much for 3k+ reads like y'all 🤧😭 ty ty like i'm finna cry. sorry i haven't been updating as much. school is a pain in the...rn and i'm not feeling good and i've been sick as well. + should she pick andrew or luis pls comment !!

THE BET  ft. mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now