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mattias pov*
what was her deal? what messages did she even read? not li-. fuck. I think she saw those messages.

venuss pov*
"mattia can you leave me alone! why'd you come here in the first place?!" i yell, pointing at the door for mattia to leave.
" venus did you look at-. "
"m-mattia g-g- just g-ooooo!" i fell to the floor unable to control my overflow of tears. i just wanted him OUT. ASAP.
mattia came walking towards me kneeling trying to give a hug. i crawled away, pushing him.
"mattia don't touch me."
" venus look i think i know what you saw but-. "
mattia leaned closer, my back touching the wall unable to get away from his touch. he hugged me. WHY?
i started hitting mattias  chest. he let me go, finally. he was crying. i couldn't really see but i knew he was crying as well.
"I-look I fucked up really -." I cut mattia off putting my hand over his face pointing to the door with my other hand.
"fine. see you around venus."
i was left in the floor shaking. unable to move or think. i felt terrible. mattia slammed the door. I turned over to look at myself in the mirror and i was done fucked up. i heard his car turn on and saw him pull out of the driveway.
i really needed her comfort right now.
i didn't get a response.  i walked down the stairs to my surprise her gone. NO i wanted her NOW! fuck.
her car keys were gone which means she had probably gone to the store to pick something up. "v?" " sweetie?! " "VENUS!"
i had forgotten all about abigail.
"abi did you hear all that? i forgot about you im s-sorry."
" it's fine, and i did. " she said as she put her head down.
"look I'll be there tomorrow morning before you even wake up. just relax, breath in.....and out.....breathe in for 5 seconds.....hold for 3...let go for 6... repeat..."
i love abigail. she was the best. i really wish she hadn't moved.
i hung the call up and laid in bed, looking around me room. it was quiet, dead silent. now even ten minutes later my mom opens my bedroom door with snacks and two tubs of ice cream. she sets her bags down and starts pacing towards me.
"mija come here."
her eyes look sad. she wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly.
"mija i heard you and mattia arguing, and well i knew something was wrong. i didn't come in because i know how you've been on me about privacy and i respect that more than ever now, so i went to the store and grabbed us some snacks and ice cream."
she gave a big smile. she's so pretty. i love her so much.
"ma...." i start tearing up. "...t-thank you...i love you sooo much mama." i said, crying. soon my mom started crying.
fast foward, my mom and i have watched two movies, horror of course. we watched the shining and the grudge. it was 10pm and i was emotionally and physically tired, ugh. my mom had fallen asleep so i decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. i closed the door behind me quietly. i opened the door i tit he guest bedroom and there on the bed was mattias orange hoodie. what-h-how? how must have "forgotten" it. ugh. i threw it across the room and jumped onto the bed. i sunk into the bed covering myself with two or three blankets because it was cold that night. my eyes were heavy. it's was cold and i was under blankets with the heater on and well i almost thought about putting on mattias hoodie, but i couldn't. no. i needed to stop with this thing with mattia. "thing".

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