1. Hailey

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'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'

I internally laughed at the quote as I shut the tattered copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' I had picked up from the bookcase in the CEO's office of Milford Foods Inc. The company was a one-hundred-and-fifteen-year-old brand and was looking to expand their fast-food chains. Of course, who would be a better choice for leading the programme than yours truly?

I started my career as an associate ten years ago. Rose the corporate ladder to become one of the youngest Managing Directors at Bigfoot Consulting. I practically shaped the entire consumer practice area of Bigfoot, marking my name in the industry as one of the smartest upcoming leaders. From doubling the sales force effectiveness of a telecommunications company to tripling the market capitalisation of an organic food startup in three years, I took up multiple transformation projects in the last ten years. I delivered excellent results, even in the times of recession.

I was independent. I was at the peak of my career. I had more money than I could spend in three lifetimes. What more could I ask for?

A husband? Oh, please. Men are just pigs. I am never getting married again, not after one failed marriage.

I was pondering over the slight tummy I had developed over the last few months, as I chewed on a bar of chocolate. I have got to start running a little on the treadmill.

Yes Hailey, keep telling that to yourself. You know that treadmill is going to keep collecting dust in your living room.

I slipped my feet out of my heels and massaged the sore areas, while I held the chocolate bar by the teeth. Then I put my palms on my waist, and made a few jumps, in the hope of losing at least a calorie or two, while I waited for my new client to make his appearance. I was hoping there was no camera in the room to record my ridiculous exercise regime since I never had the time for a proper one. I hardly slept - I took a 4 AM flight this morning - rarely ate healthy food, and the only exercise I could muster was running from one boarding gate to the next.

I stretched my hands and my left leg up, while I balanced myself on my right leg when the door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man entered. He froze there on the entrance, with his hand still on the knob.

I scrambled back to my feet and pulled the chocolate wrapper from my mouth immediately, hoping he didn't read the competitor's brand name on it and giving myself a mental kick over another oh fuck moment of my life.

Mother of wrong timings!

I hurried my feet back inside the heels and suddenly stumbled, realising that my left heel could no longer support my weight and had snapped.

Really? Right now?

I managed to balance myself as I cleared my throat and greeted the CEO with a bright smile.

"I hope I didn't make you wait long, Ms Johnson?"

I didn't sleep a wink last night because I had to take a 4 AM flight since you asked to meet up at 8 AM urgently, and the child at the back seat kept crying and kicking throughout the three-hour flight, and then here you made me wait for another three hours, you bastard!

"Of course not, Mr Milford. It's always a pleasure to meet you." I replied, with my best fake smile.


"I have spent millions on this project, and I have yet to see any results."

"Mr Milford, it's just been two weeks since we started working on this. We are still in the-"

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