Luke Evans

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The strings of fairy lights gave the room a cosy feeling and the mountains of cuddly toys nearly smothered the small girl that lay under the astronaut themed bed sheets. Blythe was a sweet child who found joy in the simplest of things and one of her favourite things were bedtime stories.

Tucking the girl in Y/N smiled, Blythe took after her father in many ways from her dark chocolate locks to the flutter of her hazel eyes when she succumbed to sleep. Stroking the girls hair Y/N racked her brains for a story to help send the youngster to sleep. Blythe was never really into storybooks she preferred stories with truth like stories of her parent's childhood. Or ones with history attached to it. "Okay Sweetheart are you settled." Y/N asked the girl softly hoping to get the energy low and sleepy. Nodding vigorously Blythe tucked her favourite teddy under her arm. "Alrighty then." the y/h/c woman sat by the side of the bed and made herself comfortable.

"Along time ago there was a King who had many beautiful daughters one was a girl called Dwynwen. She fell madly in love with a stranger from the North called Maelon Daffodril, now her father hated Maelon and refused to let them marry for he had promised Dwynwen to another." the small girl gasped and clung to her duvet tightly. "Now Dwynwen was distraught and ran away from both her family and Maelon. But Maelon followed her and begged Dwynwen to marry him but still she refused." Tilting her head in confusion dark curls bouncing Blythe frowned "But she loved him why wouldn't she marry him." the innocent tone in the girl's voice made Y/N smile "Well even though she loved him Dwynwen was a good girl and didn't want to disobey her Daddy. So Dwynwen prayed to God for help to forget Maelon and that night an Angel visited Dwynwen." Y/N continued telling the story using different voices for each of the character's. In fact, the woman was so into telling the story she failed to notice the new listener they had gained. The new listener in question was her husband Luke. He had gone to answer a phone call for work during the bedtime routine and stumbled upon Y/N retelling Blythe one of her most favourite stories.

Luke had always made fun of Y/N in the past for loving the story but as the years passed he ironically fell head over heels in love with the sparkle of excitement what would fill her y/e/c orbs each year and soon it became tradition. At least now they had another person to pass the story onto.  Leaning against the door frame the tall man decided to join in on the telling of the story. Kissing Blythe on the head before joining Y/N on the floor by the bed Luke continued "The Angel gave her a potion that would make her forget all about Maelon and turned him into ice. But God realized he messed up and gave Dwynwen three wishes." The young girl giggled "Like a Genie?" Nodding Luke smiled "SO Dwynwen had 3 wishes. The first she used to free Maelon from the ice, the 2nd to meet the hopes and dreams of all true lovers and lastly the 3rd to never marry. She then devoted her life to God and became the reason why we celebrate Welsh lovers on the 25th." Luke ended the story hugging his wife gently. It was moments like these that he missed when he was away but just seeing the smile on his little girls face made it worth it. It was Blythe's yawning that broke his picturesque gaze. "You tired Bub" he whispered her small eyes fluttering closed and her breathes deepening. "Guess that's a yes." Luke joked turning to face the y/h/c female. "You ready for bed as well?" he asked. Humming in response Y/N stood up slowly before leaving the room flicking off the lights leaving the glow of Blythe's nightlight.

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