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I entered the atmosphere and landed  a little far from Jabba's palace. As I got off the ship I  was greeted by Jabba's assistant Bib Fortuna he asked me in Huttese "welcome Boba, what do you have for the almighty today". I then told him as I unloaded Solo from the cargo hold "this". Bib then said in a surprised but happy voice "Solo" he then yelled at some Jawas at the distance and they quickly ran in to push the carbonated Solo, while a group of pit droids went to fuel and repair my ship as Bib and I walked. We walked down the stair case and entered Jabba's throne room. Jabba was smoking while the Max Rebo band was playing a new song that sounded pretty good. He then saw me and said to me in Huttese "welcome Boba, Bib tells me you brought a great treasure, what did you bring". As he took another puff from his smoke, some Jawas ran in while pushing Solo in front of Jabba. He then started laughing "Well done Boba, you will be greatly rewarded for this" I saw Bib come out of a hallway with a crate and opened it. Jabba then said "250,000 credits for you, enjoy", I then told him "pleasure doing business with you Jabba". Jabba then tells his Guards to put Solo on the wall. He then slithered up to Solo and said "this shows you that you should never try to cheat me Solo", he then yells out "tomorrow he will be released from carbonite and be dropped in the Rancor pit". Everyone in the palace cheers and laughs but during this, I think to myself all of the times I have been cheated by Solo all of the times I almost killed him, but then I thought of the time he saved my life when we were in the asteroid belt of the outer rim raiding a spice vessel, somehow the spice smugglers had an AT-ST in there arsenal and unleashed it upon us there was originally 10 of us on the job but the ST narrowed it down to 3 it was me Solo and the Wookie I tried to fight it off but the spice smugglers had heavily armored it so None of my weapons could fully penetrate its armor, it pushed me into a corner and was about ready to shoot me but it needed a moment to reload its canons. but Solo managed to find an ion canon before it finished reloading and used the canon to destroy the walker. His quick thinking saved my life and even though he cheated me I felt I owed a debt to him. I then told Jabba "wait",everyone stops cheering and looks at me, I then say, "why give Solo a quick death from a stupid Rancor, the carbonite he is frozen in is slowly eating away at his organs soon there will be nothing organic left in that block of carbonite just a shell of a man who cheated you and a trophy that shows no one can cheat the almighty Jabba". Jabba then takes another puff of smoke and says "so be it, Solo will stay here for a slow painful death". The band starts playing music and Jabba gets back to smoking while I enter my private room at the palace and rest. Later that night while everyone was asleep I walked toward Solo and turned down the dial on his carbonite holding to stop the freezing from killing him, preserving his body but I decided to keep him frozen because even though he saved my life, he still cheated me and tried to steal my contracts.

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