Chapter 1

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The sun is just beginning to set as I finish up my math homework. Eraser marks lay across the paper; I try to solve the last equation. It's the most frustrating one, and I use my calculator to check my answer until it finally seems correct. Math was never my best subject, but I still make a decent letter grade every year. Blowing away pink flakes, I place my homework in my folder. Afterward, I reach for my laptop and power it on. I plan on spending the rest of the night watching movies on Netflix until I fall asleep.

Tomorrow's Saturday and my friends Nate and Kelly are coming over for our weekend sleepover. I told my mother Nathan's gay last year so he could stay over too, but he isn't even in the slightest. However, Nate is down for anything like if we go shopping, he doesn't fuss, mainly because he goes to flirt with the girls in the stores. I don't have many friends, but I like it that way.

I was a victim of bullying when I was little because my classmates thought I was different, but I honestly wasn't that different from them. I was the new kid, and they found me as a target to bully, except Kelly. She was the first person who accepted me here, and I'm thankful for that. I met Nate two years after, we had classes together, but we didn't become friends until we were about thirteen.

I go downstairs to the kitchen to get some snacks for the movies I am about to watch. When I walk into the kitchen, there's a table set up, and my mother is putting food on the red tablecloth. She's dressed in her favorite slim black dress. She only wears it for special occasions. Am I missing something?

"Sweetie, why aren't you dressed yet, Daniel will be here any minute." Shit today is an important dinner with my mother's boyfriend. I don't know why she's so stressed about it. He's had dinner here before. I sigh and go back upstairs to change out of my pajamas and into a pink jumper and a black skirt. I guess movie night is on hold for now; I huff before trailing downstairs again.

"Melanie, can you pick up that plate turns out Daniel's son can't make it tonight." She looks somewhat disappointed. I guess this would have been the first time both of us would have met him.

"So, why is this dinner so important that you wanted me and his son here?"

"You will find out soon enough." What if I want to know now, Mother? I sit in my usual chair at the table when the doorbell chimes. I hear my mother greet Daniel at the door before they come to the dining area. He's wearing a nice button shirt and slacks; he typically wears a t-shirt and jeans. Why are they so dressed up for a boring dinner?

"Hello, darling," his strong British accent rings through my ears. I've heard plenty since we lived in England but none as strong as his. My mother and I moved here after my father left us. She thought it would be a fresh start for us; I haven't been to America since then. If my grandparents want to see me, they have to take a plane here. I believe my mother only moved here because she didn't want him finding us again; otherwise, she would fly us to a different state, not an entire country.

"Hi Daniel," I fake a smile, staying in my seat. Out of all my mother's boyfriends, I like him the best, but mainly because he doesn't treat my mother like shit. Her past boyfriends have. He gives her respect—at least around me, and I'm grateful my mother found someone kind.

However, I still don't think he's good enough. Yes, he's a terrific guy, but I don't know if he treats my mother like crap when I'm not around. All I know, he could leave us just like my father left. Things seem pleasant now, but how about in five years will it still be.

"I'm sorry you two couldn't meet my son tonight. He's on the borderline of failing three of his classes, so he's studying up for his midterms." I nod, understanding what stress he might be in I think he's in university so he could feel even more stressed about grades.

"It's fine, sweetheart, we will just tell Melanie the news."

What news? I decided to wait until I finished eating my food to question since I'm starving. I ate all the grilled chicken and macaroni and cheese my mother made for me but only nibbled the spinach. She always tries to make me eat it no matter how many times I tell her I'm not too fond of it. Once I feel full, I ask what's the important news.

"Well, sweetie last Friday when I went out with Daniel he surprised me with...this," she holds out a ring on her hand. "We're getting married!"

No, this can't be happening, I don't want a stepfather.

"What! You have only been dating for six months! I hardly know the guy what if he's a pervert to me when you're not around!" I start yelling anything to make this not true.

"Excuse me, Daniel, while I talk some sense into my daughter." She pulls me out of my chair and drags me into the living room.

"Melanie, I will not be disrespected like this, and I won't let you disrespect Daniel! This is my life, and I love Daniel. I've been lonely for years, and I finally found someone who actually cares about me. So at least act like you give a shit." I was shocked by my mother, she's never gotten so angry before, and I'll admit I was acting like a bitch two minutes ago.

"Okay, if he makes you happy, I'll try to be happy for you."

I only pray that he won't break her heart. I've lived in a broken home since I was six years old. My parents were always fighting, and I could tell they didn't love each other as they used too even at six. The reason for the divorce is still blurry because my mother only told me a few details that made my father look like the bad guy. I don't know who to believe, but I at least want to hear my father's side of the story.

My mother walks back into the kitchen, where Daniel was cleaning up. He was washing the scraps of food from our dishes. Our dishwasher broke a year ago, and we have yet to call a repair company.

"Babe, you didn't have to clean up," my mom says, trying to take the plates from his hands. The dish doesn't budge one bit from his grasp.

"I don't mind really, soon enough it will be my responsibility too." He smiles, and she giggles. I roll my eyes and excuse myself, sickened by their interaction.

"I'm going to bed. Night Daniel, night Mom!" I shout, running upstairs before she can stop me.

I change into shorts and a tank top before climbing into my bed. I can't believe my mother is getting remarried. I only tolerated my mother's boyfriends because I knew she never married them, but now my worst nightmare came true. It's been Mom and me for nine years now. I'm supposed to have a stepfather and stepbrother I've never met. What if he's a complete ass? I wish things didn't have to change. Yes, we lived in a broken home, but it was starting to feel the whole being just the two of us. Now I don't know what it's going to feel like, only time will tell.

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